NBC Revolution

Nov 07, 2013 22:18

I liked this episode - although it didn't focus on any of the character arcs I care about much. Rachel and her 'ew, you pervy little dangerous man' looks at Horne were about the best of her stuff, Miles just got to slope about mostly and Charlie got nothing. I am worried about Charlie.

  • Best scene/s: Monroe being high as balls when he recovered from being dead. He was so cute and stoned - reminded me of some exes - and his whole ‘Oh for fuck’s sake...’ attitude to putting on his boots, never mind saving Aaron, was so much fun. The scene with Aaron and Cynthia with Monroe saving him and then going, ‘ohhhkay, need to sit down for a moment’ was awesome. And, much as I hate to admit it, so was Jason. It would have been better if we actually get to see him fight - but not everyone can be Miles and Monroe - but his whole stabby, stabby crazy thing was awesome. If only for Neville’s face. He finally had the son he always wanted, but he didn’t look so happy about it.

  • Worst moment: Not sure. Nothing stood as being all that horrible. Hmm...I wasn’t excited for the flashbacks of Gene’s seduction by the Patriots. I could have just assumed all of that. It was nice to see the Patriots actually utilising efficient torture methods. It isn’t a good thing, obviously, but if the bad guys are going to be torturing people then they should do it right. I want my bad guys to be damn good at what they do. I am not sure about Porter’s corruption - the fact he was, like all his family, just led astray by his best intentions. Can’t there be one guy who just wants to be evil? That’s one of the things I hope for Jason, that he can’t be trusted, that he has just gone ‘screw it and decided to go out for his Republic/dicatatorship. For some reason I wrote ‘he wants to be Queen of the World!’ which is weird (I have made a lot of rude comments about Jason, but never along those lines) - but you get the idea.

  • Best character (r)evolution:  Jason, I guess? This is a very weird experience, but I think that his whole thriller killer element is cool and could lead to something actually interesting for the character and his co-stars. It was fun to watch. I don’t promise that I will care next week.

  • Worst character development: Charlie. I love her, I hate to say this, but she did nothing this episode but stand between Miles and Rachel and look at them. They should have sent her to sit with Monroe, where she could actually have something to do or say. Instead she got to shuffle around pointlessly until they scraped a hug out of her for Rachel. I know some people really want to see Rachel and Charlie getting on, but it would have been nice if it wasn’t at the expense of everyone keeping things from Charlie again. Considering her lack of ANYTHING substantive this season, I worry she is doomed to be our scheduled shock death :(.

  • Favourite quote/s: ‘We’re the good guys, remember?’

  • Your Revelation of the Week: I quite liked Cynthia working out her new husband killed her last husband. Also, this is what Revolution is like when everyone is high as balls.

  • Anything else: Dr Horne. Well, there you go - now we know why he’s called that. He’s got the horn for Rachel. He also spent the whole episode high as balls. I’m not sure if he’s sick and pain managing or if he’s just generally prone to getting high as balls in the middle of the day. My brain went ‘laudanum’, but that’s usually a tincture isn’t it? My other idea was radiation medicine, but I don’t think that he’d have risked being that close.

nbc revolution

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