Fic: Stone

Nov 26, 2009 11:15

Title: Stone
Author: corycides
Fandom: SGU
Characters: Nicholas Rush x Vanessa James
Rating: NC: 17
Spoilers: To the most recent
Summary: Sometimes it isn't possible to let sleeping dogs rest - even if it would be best after the events in 'Hurry'. An emergency on Destiny threatens the lives of everyone on board.
Disclaimer: I do not own SGU ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

nemo_r November 26 2009, 12:24:20 UTC
uh oh, dramadrama!

This is cool. I can't help but get Young/Rush vibes, but I get them from canon too so what can I say, I'm insatiable!

I really like this though, like Lt James showing awareness of group politics and still being one of the 'gang' and poor Rush all tired and no one to lean on, AW, they need to get together like, NOW.


corycides November 28 2009, 00:23:07 UTC
Thanks! And I should get on with the rest of the fic next week :D Installment plan!

Rush and Young are fun to write, they're such opposites


rodlox November 28 2009, 13:17:48 UTC
"next week"? how're we supposed to survive that long?


(The comment has been removed)

corycides November 28 2009, 00:24:09 UTC
Thanks for reading - I'm glad Rush works. He's difficult to write, between being so intelligent and then it being hard to tell what he does and doesn't admit to himself.


rodlox November 27 2009, 02:33:33 UTC
just like an SG:U episode: ending on a to be continued.

I like this whole thing, the entire story that you've presented thus far.

(the looks through both their perspectives, their thoughts, their sense of humor - "I wish I could")


corycides November 28 2009, 00:24:40 UTC
:D I'm glad you liked it, hopefully I'll be able to keep it going for the storyline :D


eternitywaits November 27 2009, 02:49:52 UTC
I love the way you handle the characters. They seem utterly real and completely themselves. Rush and Young's exchange was spot-on, that's completely them. And oh, you leave us with a cliffhanger?! More, more, more please! *is impatient* Also, completely love Young's last line, there. I could just hear him saying it.


corycides November 28 2009, 00:25:12 UTC
Cliffhangers are fun though!

Well, for me :D

Shouldn't be too much longer till I get back.


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