Hurry: Epilogue

Nov 25, 2009 17:28

Title: Hurry: Epilogue
Author: corycides
Fandom: SGU
Characters: Nicholas Rush and Ronald Greer

Rating: R
Spoilers: To the most recent
Summary: Sometimes Vanessa doesn’t think things all the way through before she does them. Or in this case, does him.
Disclaimer: I do not own SGU or the characters used in this fic.

That had been...unexpected.

Rush quickly rubbed a handkerchief over his hands and checked everything was tucked in and zipped up. He felt off-balance. It wasn’t a feeling he cared for - especially not when Colonel Young was going to try and assert his ‘authority’ again. Sweat itched in the small of his back and under his balls. The smell of sex lingered on him.

He shoved the handkerchief into his pocket and checked the readings on the console one last time before he left the room. Greer pushed himself out of the wall in one smooth movement and waved one arm for Rush to precede him down the corridor. There was no more of a sneer on his smooth, dark face than there usually was.

They fell into step, footfalls echoing off Destiny’s bare walls. The few people they passed glared at Rush.

If looks could kill they’d be jettisoning his corpse along with that of Sgt Thomas.

Fools. They didn’t have a clue about how important Destiny was - what it could tell them, what they could reverse-engineer out of Ancient technology that was only centuries, not millennia, ahead of their own.

Give Lieutenant James her due - she knew that the only other person on board who was even close to being his intellectual equal was Eli. And he was, for his genius, an idiot.

They reached the Colonel’s quarters and stopped.

“So you know,” Greer said, without looking at Rush, as he opened the door. “I would have just punched you in the face.”

“That’s a comfort,” Rush said dryly and stepped into the room, ignoring Young’s curious look. “What did you want, Colonel? I have things to do.”

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