Oct 05, 2008 11:24
Yesterday was ‘Shine Through Day’ here at Hjälmaren (my house). That is the day when the setting sun shines in the Western windows, though the house, and out the Eastern windows. It also bounces off the Eastern windows back to the Western ones. This is a cause for celebration here, as it is so cool. Sadly, the clouds reduced the full effect, but it was inspirational nonetheless.
Also yesterday, the clock stopped. This is the wind-up clock in the bedroom which chimes the hours. It needs to be wound once a month. I often forget.
These two events brought me to thinking about rhythms, and how they affect us in our lives, and how much they are diminished in modern times. Many people go through their lives without interacting with all but the most blatant of nature’s rhythms. They have HVAC systems which automatically keep their buildings at a constant temperature with no direct effort (though much work to pay for it). They get whatever food they want, regardless of season, from worldwide distribution and heated greenhouses. And so on. For me, I enjoy the rhythms, and the feel that they are reminders of the passage of time, and exhortation to enjoy that time, as it will be gone only too soon. And to celebrate them (no excuse too small).