Jan 16, 2009 03:05

It's time for you to just scroll on past....

  • 08:30 @ KRBourgoine Indeed, I enjoyed the Gord books very much. It was like experiencing one of Gygax's own D&D campaigns vicariously #
  • 08:31 @ smartgoat wow, it's just like marriage #
  • 08:39 @ smartgoat my parents prefered the Johnson kids down the street, but could never arrange an adequate trade #
  • 08:39 @ jt yipes. guess it's time to run the dryer continuously to keep warm while waiting for the locksmith? #
  • 08:49 @ mwsmedia I think I pulled something from the laughing! #
  • 08:59 when @mwsmedia tells you to drop everything and watch something, DO IT: #
  • 09:08 Now I'm hungry for seafood. Or kittens. I;m confused as to which: #
  • 09:08 @ mwsmedia Indeed! #
  • 09:08 @ bratta close enough for government work :) #
  • 09:18 @ Twacorbie Han S. :P #
  • 09:19 @ beejaymorgan words fail you, don't they :) #
  • 11:40 @ RandyNBL It's not paranoia if you really are talking behind her back :P #
  • 11:40 I think I may have to go hunt some food #
  • 12:54 I keep forgetting about the cafeteria as an option for food.2 grilled cheese sammiches and a cheesburger filled me up #
  • 13:00 I hate having short hair. Static electricity and hathead suck #
  • 13:05 @ maebreakall so some little kid with cancer can have SOME hair :) #
  • 13:08 @ maebreakall I have trancended awesome :) #
  • 13:08 @ RandyNBL um, who says I'm not using it to balance a previous indiscretion? :P #
  • 13:16 gonna watch the active shooter training video #
  • 13:17 damn, I'm totally going to get fingered by the rest of the staff as a potential shooter #
  • 13:22 comparing the survival mindset to the mindset I get on a plane flight is a mistake. plane flight leaves me resigned to death #
  • 13:24 @ wilw rock on, brother! \m/ #
  • 13:37 interesting video, didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, tho. #
  • 13:38 @ egoistetx still no clue what we're supposed to do during the active shooter drills we're having this semester #
  • 14:00 @ JimGleeson heh #
  • 15:40 being rudely awoken at 4:30am must be getting to me. I just managed to upgrade this drupal installation to the same version it already was #
  • 15:44 @ smartgoat I guess I can definitely say I successfully updated from version 6.8 to version 6.8, now I'm ready to try 6.9 #
  • 15:46 @ elmofromok that's what I'm doing for the afternoon... figured I'd revisit in the morning #
  • 15:49 @ palisade14 it did, indeed. Apparently I can do a same-version upgrade without breaking anything. I call that a win. #
  • 15:52 @ elmofromok the sad part is I just got it installed the day before yesterday :P #
  • 15:54 @ elmofromok I figure as soon as I have the first set of modules I want to evaluate set up how I like it, I'll have to do it all again #
  • 15:56 @ elmofromok just wish they'd hurry up and even tell me if they'll install the PHP modules I need so I can actually move forward on stuff #
  • 15:59 @ elmofromok took over a month to get the permissions I needed set to do the initial install #
  • 16:57 the active shooter video worked. I saw a guy in sunglasses and a stocking cap downstairs, and immediately thought he was a shooter. #
  • 16:58 @ elmofromok it will if I call the cops on everyone wearing sunglasses and stocking caps :) #
  • 16:59 and with that, I am outta here. time for home. #
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