Behold your doom

Dec 17, 2008 10:05

MQ-6 Reaper Hunter-Killer

Thanks to Matt Williamson for the head’s up on this.

According to The Register, DARPA, as part of a long-standing plan to usher in humanity’s destruction to make way for our robot overlords, is at it again.  Having seen The Terminator just a few too many times, they are working hard to make indestructible cybernetic warriors.  Their Future Combat System already includes flying Hunter-Killers, of course, including the MQ-6 Reaper seen here.  Note that in their fact sheet, they openly call the Reaper a “persistent hunter-killer.” What could be more terrifying?

How about if that same Hunter-Killer could instantly recover from damage inflicted upon it?  Say you blast it with a machine gun and blow large chunks of it apart.  They’re working on having these metal beasts be able to re-route power and control functions around missing or damaged pieces and continue with their missions.  And we all know what those missions will be: stamping out our fleshy resistance.

DARPA: Enabling the downfall of humanity since 1958.

Originally published at The Last Exit to Babylon. Please leave any comments there.


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