Nov 01, 2008 02:05

It's time for you to just scroll on past....

  • 08:32 Happy Halloween from your local mad scientist (member, Guild of Calamitous Intent) #
  • 08:36 @ mrpunkjess And happy anniversary to you guys :) #
  • 08:52 @ smartgoat Bahahaha, that is awesome! #
  • 08:53 @ indianajim you better be talkin bout the election there. If you're calling Halloween stupid, well, them's fightin words :P #
  • 09:40 Stan Lee reads The Raven: #
  • 09:47 @ elmofromok Probably being victimized by a vampire. I will watch you closely, and stake you if you turn. #
  • 09:54 @ palisade14 I also offer beheadings to anyone bitten by zombies :) #
  • 09:54 @ elmofromok *grin* #
  • 09:58 @ palisade14 naturally :) Full service exterminations #
  • 10:10 @ indianajim *phtphth* #
  • 10:15 @ okaycitynate nice :) #
  • 10:53 @ smartgoat LOL! That'll keep them from becoming competition for you #
  • 10:59 @ smartgoat That's another good side benefit :) #
  • 11:03 @ smartgoat Now there's a great idea for the holiday! #
  • 11:07 @ chrismoody most likely, it has to do with it being XP #
  • 11:09 Does my spam know something I don't? "Track your baby's growth as your due date approaches" #
  • 11:15 @ Twacorbie It's apparently a Samhain miracle :P #
  • 11:23 @ Twacorbie One would think so! #
  • 11:36 Retweeting @Yendi: TheFerrett, as he so often does, nails it: #
  • 11:37 @ Yendi I plan to include the phrase "you make goatse look small" in all my arguments now #
  • 11:38 ok, time to give up my good parking place so I can go buy petfood and other necessities #
  • 13:10 @ elmofromok I suggest lunch at Perri's Pizza on Britton to convince her she needs a website #
  • 13:45 @ warrenellis You are a very bad man. I respect that. #
  • 13:45 @ elmofromok time enough to turn podcasting into a paying gig? #
  • 13:56 @ palisade14 true, probably need a side gig for revenue, like pimping. #
  • 13:59 @ elmofromok let me know if there's anything I can do to help out #
  • 14:03 @ elmofromok get a gig with The Escapist writing making scathing review videos... oh, wait, they have someone doing that #
  • 15:30 Well, I'll be. Looks like I'm the man now, dog. Time to go bask in the glory of my own awesomeness. #
  • 16:08 too excited about tonight to work #
  • 16:15 @ FreshPeel never gripe on twitter about cow-orkers who are also on twitter :P #
  • 16:24 @ FreshPeel just don't tell @okaycitynate all the nasty things i say about him here :P #
  • 16:52 getting Thriller onto the iPod so we can jam in the car this evening. Dinner, Zoo, and LSoG ahead for us tonight #
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