Oct 31, 2008 02:04

It's time for you to just scroll on past....

  • 09:06 @ Yendi hehe, it was surprisingly entertaining when The Hoff was on the screen #
  • 09:30 15 hours until I can buy food #
  • 09:39 Heavy Metal Farmer: #
  • 10:59 @ RandyNBL fortunately, I tend to stockpile non-persishible meals, then totally forget I have them until the crunch times. Ramen FTW :) #
  • 11:24 @ RandyNBL I feel fortunate that I developed a real liking for ramen in college, as well as knowledge of different ways to prepare it :) #
  • 11:45 @ akaMonty sounds fair #
  • 15:08 @ okaycitynate bring one back for me #
  • 15:36 made a majr breakthrough today on a probject. fighting the urge to quit while I'm ahead and run on home to drink beer ant wait for paycheck #
  • 16:19 @ librainiac show them your mad skillz in "big books on bottom, small boks on top" :P #
  • 17:00 @ okaycitynate you have a social life? :P #
  • 21:04 taking a break from rocking out. afraid I'll blow out my voice again #
  • 21:22 ok, back to the rock #
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