Aug 04, 2008 02:09

It's time for you to just scroll on past....
  • 09:58 holy crap did I sleep in a bad position last night. my back is killing me #
  • 12:54 wow, just taking out the trash and the dump bag from changing the litter has me sweating through my clothes. it is nightmarish hot out there #
  • 13:29 I just have to restate that I LOVE librarians: #
  • 15:49 time for some deep hurting. queing up grizzly park #
  • 15:51 I gotta love a movie that opens with a bible verse about a man who sic'ed 2 bears on 42 children for mocking him. Elisha was vindictive :) #
  • 15:58 I'm gonna go ahead and beat the rush by deciding to hate all the characters in this movie now #
  • 15:59 It's not too late for a horrific auto accident to kill them all and let us start over with a new one #
  • 16:00 Wow, I even hate the minor characters off to the side who are obviously not part of the story. That's rather impressive #
  • 16:02 Ah, the hilarious dramatic tension between the white supremacist and the hispanic gang members. This is quality #
  • 16:05 Once again, I find myself hoping there is not final girl and final boy. #
  • 16:12 ok, I don't hate the lead ranger. I mostly pity him,and would offer real money to have him just kill the rest of th cast. #
  • 16:20 one would think a movie involving a serial killer, hungry bears, and a group of victims would be more interesting #
  • 16:21 I mean, with all that together, you'd have to work really hard to make a boring movie, right? #
  • 16:24 if the smoke from a fireplace inside a cabin is going into the cabin instead of up the chimney, you're doing it wrong. #
  • 16:29 maybe their first night in the park will yield some interesting action or deaths #
  • 16:31 or maybe not. but at least a bear at someone's face, that's always nice #
  • 16:32 hooray wolf. I like wolves. #
  • 16:46 Gotta feed the corwin if he's to make it through the rest of this mvoie #
  • 16:47 oooh, maybe the one wolf they have in the movie will eat these two #
  • 16:56 @ elmofromok having mine now #
  • 17:05 ok, my choice of food was as poor as my choice of movies. Probably make a run for the border or something when grizzly park is over with. #
  • 17:08 The movie is going out of its way to make all the characters intensely unlikable. Except ranger bob, wo I fear is not long for this world. #
  • 17:19 movies today seem overfond of the partial decapitation, where just the upper part of the head is removed, usuallty leaving the mandible #
  • 17:25 oh, my, it's a twist #
  • 17:25 I'd have seen it coming if only I were interested in the movie. #
  • 17:27 wow, that was awful #
  • 17:27 I'm gonna make a food and supply run before divning into highlander: the source #
  • 18:27 time to find out just how bad Highlander: The Source of Crap truly is #
  • 18:32 why would they release a new 2-disc special edition of highlander 2? #
  • 18:37 previews over, let the pain commence in earnest. #
  • 19:27 oh, joy, a bad cover of princes of the universe. make sure we miss no part of highlander to crap all over #
  • 20:02 wow, that was AWFUL, even for a Highlander movie #
  • 20:02 It made Highlander 2 look good by comparison. Never thought I'd EVER say that #
  • 20:03 worse yet, wikipedia tells me it's teh first of a planned trilogy #
  • 20:04 I'm going to have to watch something decent to purge my brain now #
  • 20:06 AHA! Perfect, let's end the credits with a bad cover of the best song on the original highlander soundtrack. The crappening is completed. #
  • 20:23 @ jchutchins wait'll I get my review written. I knew I was in for crap, but I had no idea how bad. This is very close to the worst I've seen #
  • 20:24 I need to livetweet watching more crappy movies. never good ones, as I wouldn't want to give out spoilers. but you can't spoil utter crap. #
  • 20:33 @ jchutchins I'm happy to have entertained. My tweets are a perfect substite for actually subjecting yourself to this steaming pile of crap. #
  • 20:34 @ mrpunkjess I would never do that to you. I'd sooner make y'all watch Grizzly Park(which now looks like Citizen Kane to me) Thanks Highander #
  • 20:48 @ mrpunkjess you already know there isn't anything they won't eventually destroy in hollywood #
  • 21:29 A few short thoughts on Highlander: The Source of All Crap: #
  • 21:30 I will probably save reviwing Grizzly Park and Doomsday for tomorrow. I'm likely to go to easy on them after this steaming pile of offal :P #
  • 21:43 yay, new followers who are actual people! Hi @geminifatcat and @bsailer. Much better than spam followers. #
  • 21:49 @ Maeghan living alone has a great many good points #
  • 23:13 off to bed, mondays are always busy #
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