Aug 02, 2008 02:04

It's time for you to just scroll on past....
  • 07:52 settling in for the morning's work #
  • 08:01 @ scottsigler LOL! That'd be awesome. You ought to sell them a marketing plan based on that. and have a safe trip home #
  • 08:02 time for precarious printing #
  • 08:31 @ polarbear64 it's awesome to work in comfort, isn't it? #
  • 08:32 @ lizwebpage breakfast the way it was meant to be! #
  • 08:43 Latest Onion Video news is hysterical - The Beijing Olympics: Are They A Trap? #
  • 09:00 @ polarbear64 I'm firmly enthroned in my recliner as we speak, pulling down PHP code to work on for the day :) #
  • 09:06 @ polarbear64 telecommuting is the only civilized way to work #
  • 09:16 @ jonfisher I could, but somehow I doubt he'd take my word for it :P #
  • 09:17 @ mrpunkjess ew, that'll make the day with the nieces fun :( #
  • 09:31 @ elmofromok still waiting for my activation email so I can actually log in #
  • 09:31 @ elmofromok viking metal helps all endeavours #
  • 09:41 @ smartgoat same here #
  • 09:42 @ elmofromok just need one more spammer #
  • 11:07 The latest EscapePod reading is hilarious! awesome job, @sfeley! #
  • 12:12 I loved the latest escapepod story: #
  • 12:21 @ elmofromok Scott Bakula! Never played Blacula! Laid down the smackula on the bad guys! #
  • 12:35 time for a lunch break #
  • 13:20 @ elmofromok tried just typing 'f mwsmedia' in twhirl? #
  • 13:34 @ elmofromok that's what I typically use when the website fails me #
  • 13:51 @ elmofromok twitter must really not want you following @mwsmedia #
  • 14:01 @ elmofromok you'll just have to stalk @mwsmedia the old-fashioned way, like we did in the dark times before the internet #
  • 14:07 @ elmofromok I'll help you stalk him in atlanta :P #
  • 14:13 @ elmofromok you need to hire someone to simply retweet everthing he says :P #
  • 14:33 @ elmofromok we're going to build up the legend of @mwsmedia's tweets until you can't stand the hype #
  • 14:34 I hope this chick isn't final girl, as I find her intensely unlikable #
  • 14:40 @ jchutchins damn you for getting the Chia pets jingle stuck in my head #
  • 15:52 @ galateadia Welcome to the 21st century. This is when everything changes. #
  • 16:57 Almost miller time #
  • 17:03 I declare the workday done. time for beer #
  • 18:02 Doomsday was crap #
  • 18:03 maybe I'd have enjoyed it after quite a few more beers. doubt it, though #
  • 19:13 @ elmofromok heheh #
  • 22:42 @ PecanCtMichael season five isn't till 2010, couple movies next year #
  • 22:48 quite suddenly very tired. going to take that as a sign and go to bed #
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