Aug 01, 2008 02:03

It's time for you to just scroll on past....
  • 08:26 @ mrpunkjess You're DOOOMED! #
  • 08:26 @ elmofromok pretty well. Probably be ready to swap the DNS over later today #
  • 11:28 full of burrito and time for errands #
  • 13:35 @ TheDeryck guess we have to stop talking about you over here :P #
  • 15:29 @ galateadia woot!! #
  • 19:29 @ elmofromok lemme know how it is! #
  • 20:26 got all the content ported over to the new drupal site. now time to play with themes #
  • 21:51 I seem to be where I want to be with the bookbinding site. I'll look again in the morning to see if I still like it. #
  • 21:51 just need to get back to actually making the books again now #
  • 22:08 @ elmofromok Thanks! I've pretty much got everything that was on the original in there. next step is to add some other books to the portfolio #
  • 22:09 @ elmofromok and, of course, bind some new ones #
  • 22:57 ok, gonna go crash, been a long week. #
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