It's time for you to just scroll on past....
- 08:25 considering going to the D&D4e event at LSoG tonight, since I can't visit tomorrow #
- 08:41 @ elmofromok starting at midnight last night, Lane was running back to back 4e gaming sessions with miniature giveaways. #
- 09:03 @ elmofromok tuesday, lane was practicing running a game since he's never been a D&D DM before and was afraid he'd have to do it himself :) #
- 10:28 @ mrpunkjess I'll stick with an axe. makes it easy to see where people's hearts really are. #
- 10:38 contemplating a partial sick day #
- 10:43 @ elmofromok clear your sunday afternoon, and you might well talk me into providing the rock at your place #
- 10:54 @ mrpunkjess just wait'll Left 4 Dead comes out :P #
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