My Niece is Crazy (crazy awesome)

May 22, 2011 22:02

Today I went to my mom's house for dinner 'cause my brother was home and I like to hang with him. It was not easy as I am still dizzy and nauseous but I had to eat and I had to go get gravol to help with the nausea so I went.
My bro picked me up in his zip car (a great idea for those of you Torontoites with no car) and we drove to my mom's house. On the way we decided to stop and say hi to my older sister and my nieces.
They were happy to see me as they'd been worried during my recent trip to the hospital. My younger niece Kenz asked if I was feeling better. I told her I was and she was excited. So excited in fact that she rode her bike up and down the sidewalk shouting "Uncle Sean can breathe again!" over and over.
She a nutjob and I love her for it.
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