Jan 13, 2009 14:21
1: who is your least favorite comic hero and why, you absolute favorite too? Hero or character. Hero implies more different things. Anyway. My most favourite hero would be Spiderman, I'm a big fan of how he's often too low-powered to beat the people he's fighting, and how superhero-ing makes his life shit, and how people often hate him, and yet he keeps trying. My least favourite: Superman. For serious I can't stand his holier than thou, I'm invulnerable and have an awesome life, boy-scout bullshit.
2: (I'm stealing this one from my Dave questions) if you knew you had crash space would you visit and what would we all do?
Maybe. Money would be the only real factor standing in my way. We'd prolly role play or just geek out.
3: what one thing are you really lazy about and you know that you shouldn't be but just can't change it? My eating habits. I'm sure I could find more healthier (awesome sentence there Bastard) alternatives. I'm too set in my ways though.
4: Is there anyone in your family that you just can't stand to be around and why? Most of 'em. My family isn't all that familial. I still love 'em, I'd just prefer to do it when they aren't around.
5: what is your guilty pleasure in life? the one thing you don't really need but that you enjoy and would hate to give up? Coffee. Though at this point I might need it. If I quiit cold turkey I might slip into a coma for like 6 months or something.
If'n you want to be interviewed, or interviewed again, comment.