Per usual these patterns/images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Begin spiel:
I like to draw line art for embroidery patterns, then set them loose in the wilds of the internet. This is one such pattern. You are encouraged to do whatever you want with the piece(s) (use, reuse, abuse, remix, share), just give me a nod (a link back would be preferred) and don't use them for profit. Should you really want to use them in a profit-making venture, talk to me and maybe we can work something out. Should you want to say thanks, tell a friend or six. I love links. If you do make something, show me and I'll probably end up linking to you. Blogland feeds on links, no?
To get the full-resolution image, click on your desired picture once, then click on it again. Save it to your computer, then resize, print and use as you see fit. You can find a reminder/introduction to embroidery, including basic stitches and the all-important "how to transfer your pattern to your fabric" links
in this post!
Finally: if you've got suggestions for embroidery patterns you'd like to see, I would love to hear them (no promises, though), and if you would like to see all of my growing collection of free embroidery patterns (including cephalopods, a rather odd giraffe, owls and a whole bushel of skulls), look
End spiel.
I've been trying to draw a monkey with a typewriter, by request, for months. Instead, almost without thinking, I spit out airships of a steampunky persuasion. C'est la vie. The middle one has a big ol' banner which I imagine emblazoned with something of a piratical nature, but that's just me. Who knows what you imagine.
My crafting has slowed considerably recently, for two reasons: one, there are no more instant gratification projects available on zee list o' April, so all I've got is in-progress pictures (which I will soon inflict upon you anyway- BWA HA HA). Two, I've been oddly ill for the last few weeks- running a low-grade fever for weeks at a time with no other symptoms to show for it (Malaria? Reply hazy, try again), then reacting very oddly (peripheral nerve issues, ie "HOLY @!@$@ MY FACE HURTS!") to a cold sore. I blame it all on stress, and I blame stress on school and money. If this worst this economy gives me is a cold sore and some feverish days, though, I'll consider myself the luckiest schmuck alive. How goes it with you all?