A. How old are you?
[Reiko Valour] Around twenty, can't recall if it was one or zero, I went to Amsterdam for awhile and it was meant to be a week but lost more than that somehow.
[Gojinka Valour] No idea but Reiko tells me I'm about fifteen and it sounds about right.
[Sanchez Valour] Twenty Five..
[Tom MacCallum] Uh, roughest guess would be nineteen or so, possibly younger but it makes little difference.
[Gene Duran] (There are a mass of grumbles with the numbers thirty and seven being deciphered)
B. Height?
[Reiko] Six foot even, though the tails four foot by itself.
[Gojinka] ... five two, but I'm no runt!... just a late sprouter, yea...
[Sanchez] ...tall
[Tom] About... umm, its just under six foot cause I met some morph who had pride in that height and I was just shorter.
[Gene] Taller than you think
C. Do you have any bad habits?
[Reiko] I fidget when idle or pondering and with claws like this its left a few marks, mainly along the stripes on my snout.
[Gojinka] Bros say I play my gamemorph too long but they don't understand you have to put time and dedication into an RPG!... thats just how it works, they don't understand they've never played one!
[Sanchez] ... (he didn't answer but the pile of rum and vodka bottles strewn around his mattress made it obvious)
[Gene] ... merg... (interviewer jots down lack of communication)
D. You a virgin??
[Reiko] Nah
[Gojinka] Sure!
[Sanchez] Hah!
[Tom] Yea pretty much, haven't had time to change it
[Gene] ... (After ten minutes of silence this question was abandoned)
E. Who's your mate/spouse?
[Reiko] Had a potential for awhile but it faded and so did she sadly, so nah not at the moment.
[Gojinka] Haven't even found a girlfriend, don't rush me please.
[Sanchez] ... not answering, back off
[Tom] Well there's this really cool Zubat called Frederico he can play a banjo like no... oooh, that kind of mate, nah nothing like that.
[Gene] No, next.
F. Have any kids?
[Reiko] Nadda
[Gojinka] Reiko still hasn't told me how ones made, he did say you don't buy em though
[Sanchez] None that I know of
[Tom] Would be a bloody miracle all things considered
[Gene] Not since being morphed
G. Favorite food?
[Reiko] Meat of most forms though I am trying to stomach green stuff... bleh tastes of nothing, my fav though is my clubs signature dish during the day, its a mild BBQ sauce cooked into a large rack of ribs with a smattering of honey.
[Gojinka] Politoa-Os, really really funky cereal, makes this great crunching noise
[Sanchez] What a stupid question, do these teeth look like they've been designed for pasta or salad?
[Tom] Actually my favourite foods aren't really available here, I miss a proper fish supper and yea many folks hate it but I miss a good haggis.
[Gene] I've worked at most fast food joints so definately not, but I do like a good steak and potatos.
H. Favorite Ice cream flavor?
[Reiko] Umm... to be honest, I've never tried it, at all
[Gojinka] Strawberry! specially with hundreds and thousands
[Sanchez] Not stuffing nothing cold down my maw
[Tom] I like a mixture, try to get neopolitans when I have the cash
[Gene] Honeycomb... what?
I. Killed anyone?
[Reiko] ... only pokemon and animals and I gotta point out, it was purely for survival.
[Gojinka] ... (he went pale at this until we explained it wasn't an accusation)... no...
[Sanchez] Depends on how many more questions there are.
[Tom] Nah, roughed up a few folks but it was only self-defence
[Gene] To repeat an old answer, not since being morphed.
J. Hate anyone?
[Reiko] Quite a large amount but thankfully none often wander in public
[Gojinka] There are nasty folks but I don't want to be mean back, I can use Sanchez for that.
[Sanchez] Yea and the list is growing
[Tom] Just the Rockets but thats like hating criminals, its nothing unique
[Gene] Bloody traffic division... (this rant lasted some time but we'll note it was the PIA he referred)
K. Any secrets?
[Reiko] Nothing impressive or scandal worthy
[Gojinka] Nah I just share one with Reiko and thats where we hide Sanchezs booze stash
[Sanchez] And I'd discuss them why?
[Tom] Yea and it concerns where I got my rusty weasel statue
[Gene] Everyones got secrets, but I know yours
L. Love anyone?
[Reiko] Thought so but it wasn't the full blown thing
[Gojinka] Nah, least I don't think so, what does love feel like anyway?
[Sanchez] Back off
[Tom] Nah, fancied, lusted and been fond of but nothing further yet
[Gene] I'm gonna say yes and thats it
M. What is your job?
[Reiko] I own, run and perform nigh-on daily at the Raging Beat, the hottest night spot on the island
[Gojinka] I'm advertisement for my bros club, though I keep myself open for birthdays, barmitzphas and weddings... oh I'm also seeing if I can get the job of campus mascot.
[Sanchez] Cleaner at a club
[Tom] Got a possible new job thats still in the lurch but currently I just busk, you can find me around rainbow park during most of the day.
[Gene] I'm a private investigator, if you need something found out, solved, or tracked, I can do it and a damn sight better than any of those PIA ponces!
N. Are you a boy or a girl??
[Reiko] Guy
[Gojinka] Boy
[Sanchez] Man
[Tom] Bloke
[Gene] Bloke
O. Family?
[Reiko, Gojinka and Sanchez Valour] We're brothers, we also have a sister but not heard from Rio yet
[Tom] Just parents but they had me as mon so theres no attachment anymore.
[Gene] Not as a morph no
P. Best Friends?
[Reiko] My buddy Nikolai, he wandered off one night to do the whole finding himself, but we still keep in contact, tough nut for a Flaaffy
[Gojinka] Just loads of regular friends, hugs from many!
[Sanchez] No
[Tom] Theres Frederico but I know a bunch who do amatuer dramatics and there was this funky morph that I used to do performances with, he hasn't shown up on the island though.
[Gene] Nah can't trust anyone in this business
Q. What was the most surprising moment in your life up until now?
[Reiko] When I broke out of the rocket base on this island and found out my brothers were waiting for me at the club, was fantastic.
[Gojinka] When I met Serges, the guy who busted me out of the camps and heard what Reiko had been up to... oh and when they released the sequel to Huma-mon, they had kept that quiet for ages!
[Sanchez] Oh I don't know, when I lost my flying permit maybe?
[Tom] When after a long, grueling time I discovered I could walk upright and had opposable thumbs
[Gene] When I saw the price of the lease on this place, its outrageous!