Dear Journal,
I tried to get Avon to take
this site's Aspie Quiz but he wouldn't oblige, curtly declaring it a pointless exercise and stalking off with his nose head held high. I do in fact have a lot of respect for that attitude, but... Not enough, it seems.
Q: Have you been accused of staring?
Or invading people's personal space at inappropriate (and prolonged) moments?
Q: When expressing your ideas to others, do you tend to be more tough than tender?
I don't think Avon would even understand this question.
Q: Do people think you are aloof and distant?
Oh, a bit, possibly?
Q: Do you have trouble with authority?
BLAKE: *Ahem*
Q: Do you have poor awareness or body control and a tendency to fall, stumble or bump into things?
Q: Do you drop things when your attention is on other things?
Or accidentally hit yourself with them?
Q: Do you often don't know where to put your arms?
Q: Do people comment on your unusual mannerisms and habits?
VILA: Yeah, why don't you go do that. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Me? I'll be right here, hiding under the teleport controls. Have fun!
Q: Do you find it easy to do more than one thing at once?
"I can talk or I can work, but I can't do both!"
Q: Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else?
*cough*sopron rock*cough*
Q: Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally?
Oh, when he acts naturally. Definitely.
Q: Is it hard for you to see why some things upset people so much?
Yes, well the truth shouldn't hurt, should it?
Q: Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion?
I really feel this one ought to be multiple choice, something like this:
Q: Which situation constitutes a suitable occasion for a sunny smile?
(tick as many as you think appropriate:):
(a) an enemy has just threatened to kill you
(b) an ally has just threatened to kill you
(c) you have just wasted the best chance you will ever have to get what you always say you want, due to chance events and prolonged indecision
(d) your ship has disintegrated, you have just been told that the long-lost friend you've been looking for is dead, you are stranded on an inhospitable planet with companions that have likely lost any faith they may previously have had in you and it's YOUR FAULT (but otherwise everything's fine.)
Q: Do you have an interest for the current fashions?
Ahahaha. No. No, I very much doubt those are current fashions for anyone except Avon. Could be the fashion equivalent of 'Early Maniac' though.
Joking aside, I actually quite like this quiz, for a number of reasons (it's certainly an improvement on
Baron-Cohen at least) not least because it offers the "I don't know" option when answering the questions. Thank you, test, for realising that all questions may not make sense to everyone.
As for my own part, I consistently (and unsurprisingly) score within the "very likely" range even when I'm being deliberately conservative with my answers. (Yes, I have tried to evaluate the range of my own bias by answering the thing several times with different attitudes. Possibly this says more about me than the quiz itself does.)
ETA: MAJOR SPOILERS for Blake's 7 in the comments to this post!