An announcement from Black Hearted Captain Crow, Magnanimous Ruler of the Swan Islands

Jul 19, 2011 00:11

!) I wanted to pop in and let you all know that my latest reinvention has been a smashing success, for once. I am happy, well, healthy, busy and in progress in a good way. The Kid turns 11 today; Watson, Justice and I have become tightly knit trio of giggling secrets, repeated shared sorrow/hope/triumph trifectas and too many margaritas; Boys have suddenly discovered I exist again (cute, nerdy, adult ones! more than one! wtf!); Work fails as hard as it ever did but I could give a shit, considering my plans are going exactly as I'm planning them; I actually performed with my bellydancing class last month, kicked ass at the drum solo, and have decided I'm not going to stop. I've been picking tomatoes, tomatillos, blackberries, strawberries, snap peas and basil from my garden regularly, and have been adopted by an orange tabby cat named Cesar. Kid an I are going on an epic two week camping break soon beginning with a visit to The Escapee and his family, and ending with an epic series of hops down the Cali coast. I had to start carrying my cross trainers in my car along with my swimsuit because I have actually become That Girl That Does All That Active Stuff.

I'm not even waiting for a shoe to drop anymore. It kind of makes me want to cry sometimes how glad I am for... I don't know. Everything. My house is cluttery, I'm kind of broke and I am not buying a proper bellydancing costume until Spring, and I'm OK with all of that. Again. :)

You guys. I keep considering coming back in a regular capacity, but Active Girl says we're busy. I hope you're happy and doing well, and I hope I see you all again soon. I promise I'll check in now and then! but in the meantime, be good, do anything I would do and then some, and make sure to take pictures while you're at it. Please find me at nueve cuervos [at][teh][gmailz][omg] anytime.


i'm already named after a goddess, out and about, i like pie, annoyingly chipper pep talk, hello!, i can reach out to you with my own two h, i can change the world with my own two h, i like vodka thanks, bellydance is the win, i am cute as hell and you know it, public service announcement, i do pity the fool, and then we highfived, sekrit projects, i fail at being a solitary creature, it's clear i'm good at it, it's like i'm candy

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