1) You know, I thought I had it pretty much figured out; in general, I get the hots for *a character* as portrayed by a particular actor, not the actor themselves. Eg: I was hot for 7 of 9, not for Jeri Ryan. The one that used to be a bit of a confusion in that regard is Johnny Depp; but then, I'm pretty sure it's that I am, separately, attracted to most of the characters I've seen him portray. Oddly not to Cap'n Jack. :)
Soooo, I figured with my latest obsession, I was absolutely 100% sure it was about Loki, not Hiddleston. Though I appreciate that he is totally an awesome actor in other things.
Then I had this dream this morning. As per usual, it was really kind of a mishmash of several unrelated segments - like, completely, nothing to do with each other, like a bunch of unrelated short films squooshed end to end, as it were. The last one, well. Not a full on erotic dream, I pretty much never have those (I think I remember literally one in my entire adult life). It involved coming home to a fairly newly acquired house, an established relationship, and didn't get past hot kissing and hands up his shirt. But it was most definitely Hiddles. Not Loki. Go figure.
Ah, one of those dreams where you stay in bed, not because I think I can get back into the dream if I fall back asleep, because that never works, but just to lie there, savouring it and daydreaming and trying to get it fixed in your memory.
Soooo apparently my conscious mind has one theory about things, but my unconscious knows better.
2) Aaand... the ridiculous Loki crush is turning me into a teenager apparently. You remember how, when you had a crush on someone in highschool, every other song was totally about them? Yeaaaah. Not quite like that, but probably 1 in 4 is totally about Loki, and another 1 in 4 has at least some lines that kinda remind me of him. I wonder if I should make a mix tape. :P
3) I've noticed how a lot of fandom 'ships have cute ship names; MCU/Avengersverse seems to use things related to codenames or traits of the characters, others mostly seem to do portmanteaus of the characters' names. I keep thinking that's all rather silly, but I wonder if maybe I'm just jealous because I like to crossover so much, and those are rare enough that they just don't get named...
4) I will happily pair in my head, and read fics about, Loki and basically anyone. But on a level of actually thinking about it deeply, I think it would take a pretty exceptional mortal to hold his interest (and I don't know if he'd bother with more regular people even for a one night stand). Natasha seems to work on a medium-term level because she's uniquely able to play him. But beyond that, I think he would want someone extremely intelligent, able to challenge him and keep up with him, and they'd need to be at least a little crazy. This is why I find FrostIron to be the most compelling of the established fandom ships. Not necessarily in what makes me hot, but in what rings true for the characters.
That said... I did mention that my mind likes to come up with crossovers... Who else in the multiverse would he make a compelling partnership with? River Tam. My friends, I give you.... BrainTricks. (or perhaps BrainFreeze?) ...because, "I can kill you with my brain" .... Other people have gotten there before me, but not in a romantic/sexual sort of story, usually more a friendship/what happens if they meet/meeting of minds sort of thing. But I could imagine if they met, they would get on like the proverbial house on fire, and get to be really good friends really fast. And that could lead places. I know, Simon would have 8 kinds of fit; but I also think, Loki might be able to help figure out how to help with her mental recovery. I also think he might get some amusement hanging out on Serenity for a while; they do, after all, get themselves into all sorts of mischief and mayhem. That "Big Damn Heroes" line was always a bit tongue-in-cheek, after all.
The world needs more BrainTricks fic, I believe.
5) I have desperate hots for Lucius Malfoy. I don't ship him with anyone, but I want all the smutty, kinky fic with him and just anyone and everyone ever in the multiverse. Because you know the nasty bastard is kinky as hell. That hair, that sneer, that swagger stick. If anyone ever writes Loki and LM, I am seriously never leaving my bunk again.
6) Other pairs I totally ship:
Science Boyfriends all the way.
Kira from DS9 with Ivanova from Bab5. (Kiranova, with the stress on the second syllable ?) Yah, apparently I have a bit of a thing for warrior women?
Hamlet and Horatio. Seriously, since forever, probably since I first read the play in grade 12. I've been shipping them for nearly 20 years. It's actually my headcanon.
Lennier and Vir.
I kind of want to ship Vir with all sorts of people, actually; I think it's because he's so genuinely sweet, while having all these hidden depths to him. I read a fic about Vir and Inara (go read it
here, it's nicely done...) and I don't really ship them; but it got me thinking in a Firefly direction and made me consider Simon (would be the most sweetly romantic beautiful thing EVER except neither of them would get up the nerve to make the first move), and also Kaylee (more plausible, sometimes she pines, but I think she'd be able to make the move if she felt certain it would be well received, also pretty damn adorable.) I'm still pondering which of these is more compelling.
I think G'Kar needs an OTP, but I haven't had that flash of inspiration yet.
In the Star Trek 'verse, I'm not totally sold, but I am starting to find Bashir/Garak and Paris/Kim pretty compelling.
7) multiverse BFFs, rather than romantic pairings.
I can't really romantically ship Inara with anyone, because of that whole Companion rules making exclusive love a no no. But I keep thinking of people that she would get along well with. Inara and Bruce Banner; she's got enough psychology training to be able to subtly help him work through his anger stuff; he is a cultured, polite, intelligent gentleman she would enjoy spending her time with.
I think she and Guinan would also probably enjoy each other's company.
Curiosity Rover and Wall-E. Yah, I know I'm cracked. :) This could even be a romantic ship except EVE would totally just blast Curiosity to bits. Maybe a Trio friendship with (Tony Stark's) Dummy. :D Curiosity Rover's "voice," is of course rather more like @SarcasticRover.
For that matter, Dummy and GIR.
8) Oh, JMS, you mad bastard, you do realize that with the Centauri, you pretty much made tentacle kink CANON, right? (Okay, the attributes ain't exactly your usual hentai squidlike tentacles. But still. It's close enough to be hilarious.)