Thursday, December 15

Dec 16, 2011 01:05

Ola. ☺

Well I’ve been pretty quiet for a while… but I’ve been busy making some pretty big changes in the “life and times”. The next chapter of “la vida de Corto” has begun.

While I just love my current employer… the company has changed course away from what would be beneficial to my career… so I considered changing companies. However, after changing a few times, I’ve decided it’s high time I stop depending on someone else to make my future bright. So I’ve asked the bosses to flip me from employee over to private contractor and started a new corp. (cortitto ltd.).

I’ve already got two contracts to take me to April and another one lined up for the year following.

This is a really really good thing.
So… I’m a happy corto.
Kinda freaked out…

The first issue is getting health insurance sorted out… and that’s just about done.

“honour” is no defense for murder.

I’ve been working on “photo books”...
I made my first one years ago as a “trip journal & picture book” for our family adventure to PEI. Did it on I can still go there and edit it or order more. I’ve been duplicating the style of that one and making a new one for our adventure to Cape Cod in 2005. The “cover art” for that one is below. I’m going to do one for each of our family cruises too. :)
See the little tiny thumb nail images on the cover? Each chapter starts with the relevant thumbs across the top of the chapter-page-one and then the full pics come at the end of each chapter (each day is a “chapter”). So, every thumb from every chapter is on the cover. :)

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