Dec 01, 2005 22:08
i can't believe its already december! :-0 I like december because you can wear hats and scarves and stuff like that. so a bunch of people have been asking me what i want for my birthday and i think that i need accessories like sunglasses and scarves and shoes cough cough (size 8) and cute hats and stuff like that. so there. i am so not into fashion that when i go shopping i never get anything like that so i guess a birthday would be a good itme for that.
so refelcting on my past 17 years i guess i've had it pretty darn good. i have never had big problems at school or work or with family that i have not been able to work out. so here is a summary (yeah i know it seems like its all about me because it is kinda about my life lol):
best day: April 23rd!
best bday: sweet 16
best gift: this picture thing that sarah and mary made me
best job: tied hope/ccs
best vacation: nats '05
best accomplishment: well i think every ones knows that already.....;-}
best school subject: Chem or econ (i think)
best class: brit lit or adv. comp
best hair color: red
best fiction book I've read: LOTR and the count of monte christo
best nonfiction book i've read: The Bible adn MEre Christianity
best house: this one
best room: the loft
best year: 2005
best soccor team: the sparks
best basketball team: the jammers
best speech i've made: the oral interpretaion speech lol or that medical marajuana debate i creamed peter in....hehehehehe that was fun! :-)
best boss: karen!
best coworker: samira
best practice sat score: 1960
best practice psat score: 200
worst day ever: new years eve 2003 (i think '03....)
best memory with mary: playing sweet and sour while eating jinormous amounts of bubble gun ice cream
best memory with sarah: shopping for mary's graduationa thte 99 cents store
best memory with both sarah and mary: way to many but the beach pix and all the fairs and nordstrom rack trips trying on prom dresses and taking pix in them
best memory with ashlie: when we were crazy little kids hehehe
best memory with caitlin: dementors in the hotel rooms
best memory with kaela: writing 10 page research papers at 3am online togther after our super fun studyless groups or freezing to death at magic mountain after we went on the wet ride hahahaha
best memory with laurelle: leonard milton the 3rd or porky
best memory with liana: looking up mr jenkins online hehehe
best memory with erin: laser tag and pizza at the bowling place
best memory with michelle: group presentation thing mrs nob
best memory with kara: when she always got the most random conversation started cards at brit lit
best memory with autumn: study groups or magic mountain
best memory with amy: my little pony, puppy in my pocket, or collecting weeds in the backyard when we were like 4
best memory with ashley g: relient K or tobymac....its a tie
best memory with ashley m: christmas parties
best memory with liny: our restaurant menu
best memory with sean: playing together when we were little
best memory with my mom: when she used to read to us
best memory with my dad: all those trips he takes me on!
best memory with pepper: petting him until he fell asleep:
best memory with toby: all those wierd things that dog does!
best memory with amanda: cathing lady bugs in her backyard
best memory with beca: mrs. oshima's class
best year: 2005 (duh)
best day: winning the world championship tied wiht the day I decided i wanted to do engineering
best trip: atlanta 2005 (even without winning it was a blast)
best electrical thing: wire crimping and stripping (yeha i know not nay of that technical stuff i learned lol)
best mechanical thing: 6 wheel drive train
best marketing idea: blue and yellow thank you very much!
best fundraiser: spaghetti dinner
best chairman's: beating our rivals out in 2003
best random task no one else seems to know how to do: fixing chain when the guys throw it hahahaha
best regional win: AZ 2004 combined with chairman's the same day
best thing I have done with all that knowledge: take off sarah's fridge door! :-) and fix caitlin's bike chain
best time at the machine shop: every time
best mentor: mr driggs or mr varnum
best team i've had the priveledge of picking: 67
more to some.......(ok so i meant come) lol :-) no matter what color my hair actually is I will always be blonde!
.......and the list continues:
best camp: the time I went with ashley and franky and ashlie
best camping trip: mammoth
best saying: "simple minds have simple pleasures"......but unfotunatley i feel bad using it now casue its mean hahahahaha
best movie made in my lifetime: The Lord of the Rings
best teacher: mr laskowsky or mr sansalone or mr jenkins or my mommy
best artist imho: lifehouse
best song by them: everything, take me away
ok so that's all i could think of that i want to put in here hehehehe
good night.............39 minutes