(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 20:31

I registered for my Fall 2005 classes today. I am quite pleased with it because I have no classes on Fridays! And I get to sleep in every day!
MW 3:00-4:15pm The Four Gospels
M 4:30-7:00pm The Third Reich
W 4:30-7:00pm Civil War & Reconstruction
TR 1:35-2:50pm Principles of Management/Org Behavior
TR 3:00-4:15pm Intro Microeconomics

Christine, Morgan and I are moving into our house this weekend. I'm so happy to be getting my own room!! And my mom is driving down on Friday to help me get furniture and get settled in and everything. I'm really looking forward to living off-campus. I mean, yeah this is fun, but its so shitty here. I really need to find a job for the summer. I haven't been looking though. But I need to. I am so tired right now. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

last kiss: two weekends ago

last cigarette: :a few hours ago

last car ride: last night at 2am. i have insomnia and had to drive.

last good cry: oh i dont know

last library book checked out: some books on Napoleon for a project

last movie seen: in the theaters? Guess Who

last book read: Prep

last cuss word uttered: oh shit

last beverage drank: water

last food consumed: ice cream

last phone call: Tony

last tv show watched: Seinfeld

last time showered: this morning

Last shoes worn: Rainbows

last cd played: my Ipod is on shuffle

last item bought: a lighter

last downloaded: "Mambo Number Five." strange, i know.

last annoyance: our apartment is a shithole

last disappointment: almost all of my pajama pants are dirty

last soda drank: mountain dew

last thing written: my notes in accounting

last word spoken: "what was the last cuss word i said?"

last sleep: I slept from 6:30am to 9:45am this morning

last im: my sister

last time hugged: not today, but i can't place the last one

last time scolded: there isn't really anyone here to scold me

last chair sat in: i'm sitting on the couch right now with denise

last underwear worn: i don't like underwear

last shirt worn: cream shirt from hollister with silver sequin thingies

last time dancing: sigma chi's pa party

last poster looked at: a monet painting

last show attended: story of the year

last webpage visited: www.livejournal.com/users/cortneyhyer

current clothing: long sleeve gray shirt, hollister sweatpants
current mood: really exhausted
current taste: i'm not tasting anything
current hair: ponytail
current smell: someone is making something with garlic
current thing you ought to be doing: homework
current jewelry: 2 rings, 3 pairs of earrings, 1 bracelet
current book: "The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank"
current refreshment: nothing is refreshing me at the moment
current worry: That my French teacher won't believe that I've been sick
current crush: nobody, sadly
current favorite celebrity: lindsay lohan
current longing: to have a guy like me, and i like him back
current music: kelly clarkson
current lyrics in your head: a little mermaid song
current make-up (if you're a girl): whatever is still on my face from earlier today
current regret: being a failure
current desktop picture: angelina jolie
current plans for tonight/weekend: tonight i'll read, do hw, and sleep. this weekend i'm moving
current amusement: my hot pink nail polish
current IM/person you are talking to: sister
current love: denise marie
current obsession: sleeping
current avoidance: school
current thing or things on your wall:posters and pictures galore
current favorite book: to kill a mockingbird, the pact
current favorite movie: i like a lot of movies... most recently i watched Along Came Polly
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