
Jun 04, 2006 19:20

-*-Hey guys I just thought I would come by and update since I was so bored*. There is never anything to do around here..Well to start off with my  Weekend.*.

Friday*- I waited for Josh to call all day then I went to the movies with Josh and we watched Over the Hedge.*. It was a really cute lil movie*Then we talked for a bit and then I went home..And then Called Josh and talked to him like forever.*.

Saturday*- I got up at 2 and then went to my mams for breakfast/lunch lol*..Then I came home and we still had no water cause our pump had sumthing wrong with it ..so Then me and my sister went to my aunts house and took a shower and got my cousins and went out* We went to shannon's and cruisin and movie starz*. It was a lot of fun* Then we came home and watched a movie that was really good*

Today*-I got up early and my mom had fixed a big breakfast and then me and my cousins sat around for awhile and watched t.v. Then Nick called and asked me to spend the nite but  I don't think Im going too.*. He also asked me to go to the zoo with him Friday but Im not sure yet if Im going to go* Then nick came up and I sat around with him for awhile and then a peacock walked up the road it was cool lol*. Then Nick left to go fishing and I watched t.v. and then went and ate up my mams house*Then I came back down the house and pretty much here I am*

-*-Well my weekend was pretty good and it seemed so long lol*..Chas is suppose to be comin back from tenn. tomm. but then they will prolly go back soon*. I hope this week isn't gonna be borin ..I think I might go do some shopping lol* Josh has been stayin at his aunt's So I really haven't got to talk to him that much . which really sux.. I mean the distance we have now is long enough* but I guess its all good* I will see him sumtime this week .. or I should*..If I don't imma be really mad .*. Well my life is going pretty good* Im just so glad there is no school*My friends are good* I really need to talk to more of them over the summer cause I lose touch to a lot of ppl*..My love life is pretty great as you can tell.*. Josh is the best..lol ( I have a pic of him on my comp. if anyone hasn't seen him yet) but I guess imma go fix up a few things*
  -*-ta ta-*-

*Cortney Lynn and Joshua Wayne- 4 eva and always*

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