
May 13, 2006 19:45

Well I really haven't updated in awhile so I decided that I would come by and update..Well this week was ok we had an sol in Geometry and I made a 529 so thats not too bad.. we also had awards day friday but I didn't get anythin but my sister got alot...Well Friday I went to the movies with Josh and we saw An AMerican Haunting or sumthing like that.. it was ok movie but I had a really good time.. Me n JOsh havent really been doing so great and we finally talked about everything and got it all worked out which Im really glad because I really love him so much..SO I think that we are just fine now.. He got a new job and it really doesnt give him much time for anything..so that really made everything worse...I do still have a lil problem but i will just have to try and figure that out for myself..lol.. Man im so confused..today was good I went out to whitesburg and got a few things and we got some flowers for my Grans grave and we are going to take them up there tomm. We are getting my mom a new grill and something else for mothers day.. I can't wait till tomm.. we are going to have dinner at my mams and     the whole fam should be ther lol this friday is my sister's graduation and then the next day we are havin a cookout for her and both sides of my fam are suppose to be ther..oh gosh ..haha..well i guess i gtg

Ya ever want a boy who will just buy you flowers just because its tuesday*

Ya ever love him and love him and you just cant choose*

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