Oct 25, 2006 12:59
its almost Halloween...which is kind of weird to think that means its been a whole year since last Halloween, but so it must.
so my prof rejected being my thesis advisor, because she has too many already and too much going on. which i do understand...i just of course was the one on the outside and not in, which is how things go i guess...just annoying bc there is someone who she did say yes to and its hard to say why not me, but whatever. which means i have to find soemone else even tho my topic basically fits right in with her area so ill have to see how it works out. she wasnt mean about it or anyhitng its just more annoying than anything else.
also having to pick classes is sort of weird. its the last time ill do it here. but even beyong that, the ones tehy are offering basically suck. in fact the last three semesters, more so the last two that i had to sign up for classes i have noticed that i dont really like whats being offered. hopefully i can pull something together.
classes themselves seem to be moving along alright this semester so i shouldnt complain too badly.
my brother's band had hteir first show last weekend. it was very exciting. i was way nervous for him but he did a really good job .....go Aralis!
dev came home with me and she said he did good as well, so hopefully i don't think it was not just a bias on my part. afterwards we hung out with shanoon too. it was a fun weekend overall, also went ot dinner and a movie and did some shopping.
the weekend before i actually went ot devs house. which is funny cuz then we traded places in a way haha like the show but really not. anyways we went ot see pride and prejudice, a play version. we also went to vermont ( first time ever!!) and i got maple candies.
the biggest problem lately has been that even tho i waste so much time doing nothing i cant get myself to do importnant things that need to be done and i say i have no time for them. and maybe i dont...but maybe im just ignoring things and then what if it becomes too late. i just dont ahve all the answers im looking for and maybe its because im not looking hard enough. i need to be more proactive...i see people who want something and go for it. nothing stops them. i need to be a bit more like that. if only i had the direction to "go in" first. i think then maybe i could get started. i hope that in a few years i might read this again and say..hey don't worry you got there..or all that worked itself out. i really hope for this version rather than one of regret
this weekend shoudl be fun tho. my brothers coming up to see third eye blind and we should have a fun night. then my parents are coming up for hte football game and i may or may not be going to chris halloween party depending upon if my parents dont mind driving me back. either way it should be good.
That's all for now folks!