Fandom Relationship Meme

Aug 24, 2011 21:26

Took this from Lebiz's LJ.

The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and laughed about it.

Yami no Matsuei. Tsuzuki! -sob-

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp.

Ronin Warriors. It's actually what got me into fandom, I found Studio Bender's stories and fell in love. They're gone now. :(

The mysterious dark one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 AM at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized s/he really was crazy.

Weiss Kreuz. Still some great ones, used to be huge into it, but sheesh.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor and whom you'd still really like to get with again, although you're relieved s/he doesn't actually live in town.

Numb3rs. That was good fun.

The steady.

Stargate: Atlantis. No matter how many times I get distracted, SGA is always there for me.

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with.

Star Trek: 2009. I've read a couple good ones, but I have a hard time finding more.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with, but ultimately you're just good buddies.

Psych, definitely.

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a heck of a cool person except it's never really gone anywhere.

Inception. It's cool, just...not my thing.

The one who gave you the best summer of your life and against whom you measure all other potential partners.

That's a tough one, but I have to say SGA again. The stories in that fandom were just unreal, they were so vivid and just everything and awesome and I wish it could go on forever.

The one you recently met at a party and would like to get to know better.

Criminal Minds. I didn't realize there was anything good written about it until recently, watched it for years.

The one who stole your significant other.

Supernatural. It keeps hooking up with SGA and going nuts! (Not always a bad thing.)

The old flame that you wouldn't totally object to hooking up with again for a one night romp if only they'd clean up a bit.

NCIS. So much good there, but so much bad too.

The one you should have broken up with before they got arrested for stealing your TV and selling it on eBay.

Bleach. At first it was incredible, but then Ichigo started buying thongs and going by Strawberry. Moar seme!Byakuya/uke!Ichigo, yesplox.

The one you're glad you broke up with early enough that you can still remember her/him fondly rather than as the subject of that embarrassing tabloid story with which her/his name is now irrevocably linked.

House, M.D. Back when they had the original 3 ducklings.

The one you had a torrid and exciting group thing with that was fun and interesting and exciting...until it just got old and a little boring (but you still look back on fondly).

Due South.

Your hot new flame.

Suits. Holy crap, taken over my life. I've had this fantastic SGA alert in my inbox for ages that I haven't read yet. One written by Tari Roo, even.

humor, fandom, meme, silly

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