Curvy decoupaged mannequin for sale (Durham, UK)

May 10, 2011 15:14

Right. What is one of the key items that most corsetmakers covet? An appropriately shaped mannequin!

Click image for larger version.

I love my decoupaged mannequin. She's the ideal shape for displaying modern corsetry (21" waist, full hips and bust) and she's covered in beautiful little bits of history, clippings from old newspaper articles featuring seemingly old fashioned names such as "Mrs Mallory Bell", and vintage advertisements for the latest fashions. She was the first decoupaged mannequin of this style that Lucy at CorsetLacedMannequins made and I can't say enough good things about Lucy's customer service or my beautiful mannequin.

But, I am downsizing... Going through my belongings (both personal and professional) in as ruthless a fashion as I can manage. I have two other corsetry-appropriate mannequins (a matching pair) and one modern lingerie mannequin. Last November I was gifted a huge industrial sewing machine and my drafting table is a decent size too. There's barely room to floss a corset, nevermind swing a cat, and we are planning on moving into an even smaller house sometime over the next year...

So. She's up for grabs. I have the original box and have listed her on ebay, please take a look :-)
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