Nov 10, 2020 20:57
Good evening everyone, I have some questions and I promise I've done my homework first (hours spent searching online, watching book reviews and reading pdfs).
Question about (free, non paid membership) communities and forums;
The historical fashion boom on youtube has been going for a while and there are more costubers every 6 months, so I thought "is there some place online where these people come together and exchange notes on projects? Or are they all doing it on their lonesome with some books?".
Does anyone know any active historical fashion sewing communities aside from "historical costuming" on Reddit?
I spent some time googling it myself first but couldn't find much at all.
Regarding corset making there's this group, and there seems to be an active group on FB called "learn how to make corsets like a pro".
Foundations Revealed is usually the recommended place to be but they no longer have any free article afaik.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
Question about recommended books;
I own quite a lot of books on historical and vintage fashion. But none of them have any patterns/diagrams/schaled patterns in them.
I own "The basics of corset building" by Linda Sparks which I find useful and have used to make my first corset with but it's not about historical fashion and it doesn't contain patterns.
My initial idea was to just make it easy on myself and purchase ready made patterns of early edwardian underwear (straight front/s-bend corset, chemise, drawers/bloomers, corset cover, petticoat, bust and hip padding) and some of the early edwardian skirt and blouse patterns, but I would really like some actual books with multiple patterns in them.
I know there are some free to use online patterns that I could fall back on if necesary.
The ones I know of; there's a picture of the straight front corset from Corsets and Crinolines somewhere online (I saved it to my pc), and there's a website called "" that has some patterns that you can download to fiddle with yourself.
I searched online for which books would fit my wants, and I was able to look inside "Corsets and cinolines" by Norah Waugh, "Corsets" by Jill Salen, "The Little corset book" and "The cut of women's clothes 1600~1930" by Norah Waugh.
Can anyone who owns any of the following books tell me if there are any s-bend/straight front edwardian corset pattern(s), other edwardian underwear pattern(s) and edwardian clothes patterns in the following books or if you have any recommendation that I haven't mentioned;
"Evolution of fashion" by Margot Hamilton Hill
"Period costume for stage and screen" by Jean Hunnisett
"Waisted efforts" by Robert Doyle (this one has some mixed reviews, criticisms are that the corset patterns are made using a standard sloper)
"The Edwardian Modiste" by Frances Grimble. I am assuming this has clothes patterns, just not sure about underwear/corsets.
"The Voice of Fashion: 79 Turn-of-the-Century Patterns with Instructions and Fashion Plates" by Frances Grimble. I am assuming this has clothes patterns, just not sure about underwear/corsets.
"Patterns of fashion 2" By Janet Arnold.
Thank you for reading. Any advice is appreciated.
book|period costume for stage and screen,
book|evolution of fashion,
book|other title and recs,
book|waisted efforts