Jan 02, 2017 10:56
No decisions have been made at this time. This is an open comment post about the possibility of moving the community (and closing our LJ doors) or mirroring the community (and leaving posting access at both LJ and DW).
Where do you prefer to post and read, these days? Would you continue to use the community if it moved over completely?
Please let me know your thoughts.
ETA: Why would we do this? As of a few days ago, the LJ servers are located in Russia, which means everything posted to LJ is no longer covered by US laws (including data protection and freedom of speech). Many people are uncomfortable with the change and are leaving LJ completely.
What is Dreamwidth? DW started eight years ago as a fork of LJ's open-source code (basically a duplicate, so the posting/community/friending structure is very similar to LJ). Since then they have made many changes and improvements. DW is free and sells no advertising - all of their revenue comes from paid accounts of various types. DW can import a whole LJ (including comments), for those who want to back up their LJs. You can also set up an auto-crosspost from DW to LJ, if you have both and want your entries to show up in both places.
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