My Friends are Dicks. And so is Nature

May 20, 2009 01:14

Some friends of mine that work with me on the previous shift wanted me to run a D&D game. We've been doing this for about two months now. In that time, we've played twice. We had one session at the beginning, also, for making characters. I canceled one day when I was out of town. The other four sessions were all canceled by them. And by canceled, I mean they just never showed up.

I don't think I'm asking for a lot... prior notice is the first thing I want, and the second is to occasionally actually play the game they asked me to run for them. Is that really so hard? I'd think they just didn't like the game, but really, it's been two sessions. Anyone who could denounce a campaign after only two sessions is almost as big a dick as someone who could string along their friend, pretending they still want to play each week and standing up repeatedly instead of saying something about it. Even worse, two of them make comments about what they want to see in the next session. Well... I've got three fucking weeks of planning behind it now!

All I can think is that they really are all that big a bunch of dicks, or they're so God damned thoughtless it doesn't even dawn on them that they should let me know they aren't going to come! Both, I think, qualify my friends as dicks.

In related dickishness, this is at least sort of amusing. It always amazes me when environmentalists and nature lovers support things like vegetarianism and seem to believe that nature is full of sunshine and happiness, or is even just passive toward bad things. Well, here's a good place to start never trusting nature again: They have other articles like that, too. Most horrifying parasites and shit like that. Reading these articles will convince you to never, ever travel anywhere ever again. For real. Sure, these suggest that there is no loving God (seriously, guys) but they also suggest that if there's anything real behind a concept like "natural", it should be likened to a fucking James Bond Villain, not an earth mother.

I was already under the impression that the vast majority of the world is a terrible place for people to live. I mean, we've got places like Florida, where it's full of man eating lizards and on fire underground, and the whole state just burst into flames occasionally, which is not even as bad as when a hurricane comes by to fuck up your shit. That alone is compelling evidence that humans are stupid as shit, but then we think it's a great place for a vacation! And it's not even that bad, all things considered!

Ancient peoples rationally took a look around and said things like "That frozen hellish tundra of murder bears and lethally cold water looks like a nice place to live, but get your funny shoes and primitive sunglasses or you'll go blind and fall right through what you're walking on and die" or how about "What a nice jungle! It's full of frogs that kill you by touching you, literal walls of webbing from giant and/or lethal spiders, man eating beasts, and hordes of giant ants that will disassemble you if you stand in front of them!" This is the world we live in, and some people decided that living in temperate areas, where the dangerous animals are really only moderately dangerous and the weather only occasionally attempts to murder a small area with wind just wasn't as nice as the burning hell scape over the next mountain, or the arid wastes where nothing grows.

Want more proof you should live in a nice, temperate area? Parasites, viruses, mind altering worms, giant and murderous insects... just to name a few of the more obvious. This world is terrifying and I'm staying fucking put.
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