I had a fun present in my mailbox today from John McCain and my buddies over at the GOP. It's some of the most blatant propaganda I've ever seen, though it's couched in a "Critical Issues Survey" to help them get their "Victory 2008" program going; keep in mind that I like McCain and typically vote Republican and I think this is nuts. Here are a few samples:
Do you believe our economy will grow if we cut taxes and put more money in the hands of hardworking Americans who pay taxes? (hint: if you say 'no,' they revoke your GOP membership card.)
Which of the following factors do you feel is most adversely affecting the economy in your are?
a) Burdensome taxes
b) Unstable Real Estate Market
c) Threat of Terrorism (yes, you read that right)
d) Severe Government regulations
e) Growth of Government Spending
f) Unpredictable Fluctuating Fuel Prices
Should America surrender in Iraq regardless of the consequences in the Middle East?
Should we appoint judges who will interpret the law instead of liberal activists who will make new laws from the bench?
Do you think we should work to give parents with children trapped in failing schools more choices to help their children have a better future? (no, John, I'm opposed to better futures)
Do you think that forcing every American into a socialize national health care system is the best way to deal with uninsured patients?
Should the Victory 2008 program be focused on turning out the Republican vote and registering 2 million new Republican voters?
The thing ends with a choice between two options. One is "I support VICTORY 2008 (it really is all caps and bold) and am enclosing my most generous contribution of:" and the other is (in smaller print) "Yes, I support the Victory 2008 program, but I am unable to participate at this time. However, I have enclosed $15 to cover the cost of tabulating my survey."
Are you serious, guys? First off, is any voter really going to see this as a survey? I sincerely hope not. And who do you think you're actually going to convince that it costs $15 to tabulate my survey? I thought the Republicans were supposed to be the party of efficiency...
I'm torn on whether I should fill this out 1)as the hardcore leftist 2) seriously (perhaps impossible) or 3) as the most right-wing person I can imagine. What do you guys think?