WTF mate?
Why the hell am I awake?
Why the hell am I wide awake??
Why the hell is Andrew still awake???
this is really stupid. I took some niquil to help me sleep tonight... and it just made it worse! >.< Fuck.. It is no fair... =\
Steven didn't call me yesterday so I am worried. I hope he and his sister just decided to leave really late or something. It really sucks that I am going to be grounded for our one month aniv.... =( It pisses me off... I think I am gonna get something to eat.. or something.. I dunno... But.. This sucks, I hate being awake this early... Wow, I found my 8th grade spring thingy picture thing... hehe, I think I will post it here for shits and giggles... or maybe just shits. Here it is:
Woooow... I look so bad with long hair... and blonde-ish long hair is even worse.. >.< I still have that shirt though. It rocks my face, it says, "what are girls made of?" on the top and then a picture and then it says, "Fishnets, bats, and ally cats" =) It is spiffy.
Ow.. I have a deep cut on my finger and I don't know how it got there.. =( How odd... Well... I don't have anything good to write about.. so I will stop wasting room.