Once again, it’s been a while. After the last post, when I tried to pull in the new circuits in from the panel, we had a problem. It turns out that there was wire with bad insulation in the conduit. As soon as I put on tension pulling the new circuit, there was a nice bright flash in my face and power went out to the whole house. And yes, this was after dark. I got a flashlight, moved the wires around where they arced, and popped the mains back on. Luckily the wires that arced were the circuit going to the outlets next to the kitchen sink, so it wasn’t too much of a pain in the ass. I called the landlord and he had his electrician come out and take a look. He ended up rewiring the whole thing, but that took a couple weeks to make happen. Then it decided to rain every weekend for a bit and then I went and got whooping cough, so things ground to a halt for a while. We managed to get materials at least before the sick set in, so Penny was able to insulate the walls and I was able to do a little work here and there. Finally this weekend I was feeling good enough to start working on the sheer wall and finishing out some of the electrical. I didn’t take any pics of the electrical this time around, but here is some sheer wall for your enjoyment.