Minxie's journal said to do this so..
:x: Name: Erika Marie
:x: Height: 5’2"
:x: Shoe Size: 5.5-7.5 US Womens
:x: Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
:x: Siblings: Older adoptive sister, Older half sister, Older half brother, Step sister, Step brother
:x: Eyes: Green/Hazel
:x: College: Still deciding...
:x: High School: Richland Northeast High School
:x: Hometown: [Born] Fort Hood, Texas; [Grew up] Columbia, SC
:x: Favorite place: Anywhere but here.
:x: Favorite soda: Coca-cola
:x: Game system: Dreamcast
:x: Favorite food: Potatos!
:x: Favorite book: On The Edge of Heaven by Teresa Hill
:x: Favorite pen: Anything that writes well... >>
:x: Favorite car: Toyota Celica 2001-2004 (Silver/Black)
:x: Favorite animal: [Wild] Tigers/Wolves, [Domestic] Kittens
:x: Water brand: Zephryillis
:x: Favorite burger place: Wendy's/Sonic
:x: Favorite hobby: Anime, Fanfiction, Writing
:x: Favorite friends: Anyone in OtSS
:x: Bar or club: .... too young....
:x: Favorite vitamins: *grumble* I get shots of B12.. >>
:x: Favorite show: Degrassi, RFR, Instant Star
:x: Gold or silver: Silver
:x: Favorite dog: Golden Retrievers, Border Collies
:x: Cell phone co: Cingular
:x: Favorite shirt: er.. my green cut off that says, "I'm Really 18"
:x: Favorite sport: Football, Soccer, Hockey
:x: Favorite alcohol: Martini, dirty, two olives
:x: Favorite computer: A nice one!
:x: Favorite fruit: Strawberries
:x: Favorite song: ugh, too many!
:x: Ketchup or salsa: In terms of what? Umm.. both?
:x: Favorite milkshake: Me no like milk.. >>
:x: Steak or lobster: Steak, allergic to any seafood.
:x: Favorite color: Blue
:x: Favorite weather: Cloudy, cool yet warm.
:x: Have a crush on someone: *thinks* No
:x: Wish you could live somewhere else: Japan
:x: Think about suicide: Yes
:x: Believe in online dating: Could happen.
:x: Think others find you attractive: Don't know, don't care..
:x: Want more piercings: Nuuu!
:x: Like cleaning: Sometimes.
:x: Like roller coasters: YESH!
:x: Write in cursive or print: Both.
:x: Last talked to: [Online] Zia, [Phone] Jessica, [IRL] Grandmother
:x: Last thought of: Who in the hell is calling me?
:x: Last showered: 3 hours ago.
:x: Last cut your nails: Two and a half weeks ago.
:x: Last did laundry: Yesterday
:x: Last hugged a tree: Tree hugger! Umm.. a few months ago..
:x: Last watched anime: Last night
:x: Last prayed: A few minutes ago.
For or Against
:x: Long distant relationships: Depends; For
:x: Killing people: Yet again, depends.
:x: Teenage smoking: ...*shrugs*
:x: Driving drunk: VERY Against
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships: FOR! People should be able to love who they want! Damn it.
:x: Soap operas: For.. I'm an addict.
Have You
:x: Ever cried over someone: Yes
:x: Ever been in a fist fight: Yes
:x: Ever been arrested: No
:x: Ever had a friend die: Yes
:x: Ever dated a cousin: Hell NO!
:x: Ever used a gun: Yesh.
:x: Ever French kiss: Yes
:x: Ever finished a puzzle: Yes
:x: Ever got surgery: Yup, too many.
:x: Ever got beat up: No..
:x: Ever hated someone: *thinks* Maybe.
:x: Ever made a huge mistake: Yes
:x: Ever tried any drugs: Yes
:x: Ever jogged a mile: Unfortunately yesh.
:x: Ever played w/ someone’s feelings: Not intentionally? No.
:x: Ever had feelings for someone young: I have always had feelings for people older than me..
:x: Shoes do you wear: Umm, none right now. Sandals, and erm.. brace on my right foot. -_-;
:x: Are you scared of: General things, murderers, rapists, people, life
:x: Do you sleep in: Depends on how hot or cold, shorts and a tee, or a gown.
:x: Did you eat for lunch: Ramen Noodles. Chicken.
:x: Is love: ... A bitch? It's something that can not be defined.
:x: Of times you’ve had your heart broken?: Hmm... Lost count.
:x: Of hearts you’ve broken?: *sigh* I dunno..
:x: Of girls you’ve kissed?: I've never kissed a girl willingly! They all kiss me >< *shudder*
:x: Of boys you’ve kissed?: ... will not comment, I'd be in trouble.
:x: Of guys/girls you’ve rejected?: ... a lot..
:x: Of drugs you taken: Hmm, *thinks* I guess.. 5 or 6 illegal ones. Legal ones, too many.
:x: Of accidents you been in: 4
:x: Of people you lead on?: None..?
:x: Of people you broke up with?: One. The others have broken up with me.
:x: Eight letter word: kawaii-ne
:x: Comedian: George Carlin
:x: Candy: Chocolate..
:x: Cartoon: Scooby-Doo
:x: Cereal: Rice Krispies
:x: Chewing gum: Orbit Spearmint
:x: Day of week: None atm
:x: Least fave day: Every day.
:x: Jello flavor: Allergic to Jello.
:x: Summer/winter: Both...
:x: Trampolines or swimming pools: Pools
(Besides you) Person who last
:x: Slept in your bed: *thinks* No one, no one's allowed to sleep in mah bed. Ish mine.
:x: Saw you cry: My grandmother
:x: Made you cry: My grandmother..
:x: You went to the movies with: Amber
:x: Yelled at you: My grandmother
:x: Sent you an email: Lee
Have you ever
:x: Said "i love you" and meant it?: Yes
:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yes
:x: Kept a secret from everyone?: Yes
:x: Cried during a movie?: Yes
:x: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: No, that was my sister
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: Yes
:x: Been on stage?: Yes
:x: Been to New York?: Yes
:x: Been to California?: Nope
:x: Been to Florida?: Yes
:x: Hawaii?: No, but it'd be cool.
:x: China?: Nope, Japan is better! I'd like to go...
:x: Canada?: No, I wanna go there though.
:x: Europe?: Nu, but I would love to go there back-packing.
:x: What time is it now?: 4:46 PM EST
:x: Apples or bananas?: Neither, strawberries!
:x: Blue or red?: Blue
:x: Walmart or target?: Wally World
:x: Spring or fall?: Fall..
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Get ready for my homebound teacher to come by so I can take a test on Oedipus.
:x: What was the last meal you ate?: Ramen Noodles.
:x: Are you bored?: Very.
:x: Last noise you heard?: My grandmother breaking a plate.
:x: Last smell you sniffed?: Shampoo, Lilac
:x: Last time you went out of state/province: July 14-17 went to Brevard, NC with Amber.
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Perhaps, one or two.
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is?: Trust
:x: Criminal record?: Nope
:x: Do you speak any other languages?: Spanish, and little Japanese, little French
:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: My bed, tv, anime posters, anime videos, anime dvds, my blankie
:x: Piercings and where?: Two, one in each ear.
:x: Worst feeling in the world?: Worry
:x: Whom you love: my family and friends
:x: Nickname(s): Eri-chan, Rika, Artemis, Eizoku, Lil Mama, Mrs. Gump(don't ask), Shorty, Punkin
:x: Initials: E M W
:x: How old do you look?: Younger
:x: How old do you act?: Older than I am
:x: Glasses/contacts?: Glasses, the contacts won't stay in.
:x: Braces: Nope
:x: Do you have any pets?: 5 chihuahua's
:x: You get embarrassed?: Yesh
:x: What upsets you?: People, life..
My japanese name is 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.