T3 and miscellaneous other crap

Jul 04, 2003 12:27

So, I went and saw T3 last night with the infallable armaGideon. Let me just say, WHAT A STEAMING PILE OF DOG POO this movie was. This movie, in my eyes at least, exemplifies what is wrong with Hollywood these days. Horrible script, cheezy actors, and too much humor when it should of been a hardcore ass-kicking movie. Gone is the Ah-nold that takes out an entire police station, In is an Ah-nold that tells people to "talk to the hand". Utterly ridiculous.

From what I've been hearing, The Hulk isn't supposed to be as bad as everyone thought it was going to be. I'll be the judge of that one, me thinks.

Life has gotten back to normal as of late. Shawn's funeral was absolutely horrible. If anyone has ever been to a military funeral, they could probably tell you the same description I would......very surreal. It was like something out of a movie. Either way, I saw all of my old friends and their wives/kids. Out of all my old friends, only Ethan and I were the only ones not married. Everyone had heard about when I was engaged and wondered where my wife was at. It just added to the fun of having to explain what happened between the two of us, 200 times. Either way, I met Shawn's kid, Dean. He is the absolute spitting image of his father when he was a kid.

We went and said our final goodbyes to him and I cried for the first time in forever.

I came back to work on Monday to the same crap I always do. After this whole ordeal, I've started looking at things differently (no I have not found Jebus or anything). I don't want to take things for granted anymore that may not be around tomorrow. I kinda have a new outlook that I really can't put into words, I guess. Either way, it's definitely a change for the better.

All of my old friends and I decided that we need to keep in contact and won't let the next time we see each other be on an occasion such as this. We exchanged numbers, email, and addresses. We'll see how they hold up on that one.

I'm off to go cook up some veggie burgers at Gideon's BBQ and then on to Champion tonight. Should be a good time. I haven't seen a lot of those kids in quite some time.

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