Jun 13, 2008 13:58
Does everyone have their hormones back under control now?
Thank whatever, didn't think I'd be so happy to have a week of pure insanity over and done with. Though I know it would be probably how Pride acts normally, but. I'm Ed. Okay? Okay. I know I'm a teenager but fucking hell, could that...Miss Urd, could you be more careful next time?
[private to OU!Yuuko :: unhackable]
Just tell me. The price to reverse Al's wish is too high, isn't it? Too high for me alone, I mean.
Miss Yuuko, I I think didn't think it was possible to hate someone this much ...shit what am
You were just doing your job.
[screened to Archer :: hackable]
If Alphonse - no, Greed - if he gets hurt because of you, if I see a single bruise -
Equivalent exchange, you bastard. You might see Zoe lying in a clinic bed very very soon. Just a suggestion, of course. Wouldn't want to disrespect a Colonel.
[screened to AU!Al :: unhackable]
Be careful. Just because your body is immortal -
Just be careful, okay?
ou: yuuko ichihara,
*plot end,
au: alphonse elric,
ou: frank archer