Welcome to Stuart's flamingo-pink hell. Please whipe your ass before entering the premises.

May 15, 2005 16:14

“Contrary to what your mothers and teachers tell you, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else, we are all part of the same compost heap."

-fight club"

To be honest, I’m fully aware that the internet is no safe place to express my personal thoughts. I’m tired of feeling like I have to hide my opinions in shame, but that’s the world I’ve been brought up in. It’s fun to beat the crap out of people’s personalities because we personaly don’t like them. It’s all fine and dandy to kill someone because they ruined your life, so long as you go to jail for it.
I told myself I’d never resort to putting this banner up. But if I have to remain immature and whore myself to the masses, I might as well to it to the select masses.

Getting to the point. I’m not a bitch, never will be. But when it comes to who I ‘friend,’ there are definate restrictions. I’m paranoid- this I’ll willingly admit.

-I don’t friend people who personaly attack others in their journals without just reasons.
-I’m 16. I’m an atheist. I’m female. If you have a problem with that, I recommend you stop reading.
-I‘m not interested if all you’re going to do is rant about your masochistic tendencies and how you’re a depressed, misunderstood child of daaaaaarkkkkknesssssss. Get over yourself, we all have problems.
-If you’re homophobic and racist in any way- forget it.

oh. nd as allwys the stereotpypicul TypINg leik dis dont make me want too freinf you ethier. ass.

so, all that said, ignore my sarcasm, comment if you’re intersted.

-states the obvious a lot.
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