...couches and other epics

Nov 12, 2002 19:12

The stupid UPN channel that we had to buy an antenna to pick up from Post Falls now appears to have gone off the air as well, which means NO BUFFY.

I really wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that Buffy is the only show I really like that's still on the air. I called Jenny, and we commiserated for a while, then I immediately started doing frantic searches on Kazaa, and finally found tonight's episode. The download keeps cutting out and getting qued, which means the user is stopping it. That's really pissing me off, and I don't care if getting it off Kazaa is technically "not okay". What do they expect me to do when they won't broadcast it to me? Bastards.

So, my mom calls last night and tells me she got a new couch. I'm surprised. A purchase that major usually gets discussed with everyone she knows before it happens. Anyway, it turns out it's a slightly used couch a neighbor didn't want. So she took it for their downstairs family room to replace this really interesting plaid number she got in the mid-nineties. Then, I call the house tonight to talk to my sister about the Buffy thing for the umpteenth time, and my mom answers the phone. She's upset. My dad, brother, and at-home sister have all put in vetos on the couch. They elected to put it in the garage. Mom wants to keep it. She tells me so for about five minutes and then asks me to come over and give my opinion. As if my liking the couch can override the opinions of the three other people who would have to live with it. This is just so typical of my family--my mother in particular--that I almost want to laugh. Or throw-up. Or something. Talk about finding drama where there really is none.

Rae-Rae and I had a long talk about family dynamics this afternoon before she had to leave for Basketball practice. We were talking about how the leftover sibs are having the same reaction to her moving away as they all did to me moving away way back when. She's feeling like I felt. And they're treating her differently. She's worried she won't fit in when she comes home for Christmas break. It's really sad, but I sort of felt relieved about the whole thing. I thought it was because they hated me. But, now, I can see it's all just part of the natural process of things.

We also spent some serious time talking about the fact that Jenny is having a tough time adjusting to her position as eldest child. She just seems to be cracking under the non-pressure. She's really touchy lately. The slightest thing can set her off into a tirade. Not that she's impossible or anything, she's still way easier to get along with than most people, but she's just being a little less Jenny-like. And her stubborness has increased like ten-fold. I just don't know what to do with that.
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