Jan 18, 2008 00:51
Have to say, it’s nice to have everyone back to the age they’re supposed to be. Kids are great, but an army of confused and scared kids is just a little hard to deal with. A lot of you were pretty cute kids, though. Pearl, I’m really grateful for all your help.
…So I’ve been thinking. …Maybe what that kid said has some kind of…I mean, what if he’s right? If we’re just being forced to believe this stuff so that-
[a knock]
Huh? …Come in.
[several loud noises, mostly wooden-sounding thuds and the occasional incoherent yell. There is the sound of metal striking something, and then hard breaths]
I…did it. [out of breath, and footfalls] Got away. There’s-
[another thud, accompanied by a sickening, sharp crack and a soft exhale. The book hits the ground and the recording function shuts off]
[[ooc: Ah...yes. I hate to do this to you all! But I need to get better with my other muse, and the only way I'm going to accomplish that is having no access to this one for a while. So for just a bit, Sheena's been Mallynapped. ...Please don't kill this mun?]]
::stella telmes,
::pearl fey,
::caesar silverberg,
::itsuki koizumi,
::albert not-silverberg,
::ed elric,
::kratos aurion,
::lloyd irving,
::allen walker,
::daisya barry,
::al elric