Mar 22, 2007 12:18
i am absolutely in love with critical thinking/logic/reasoning... my class is amazing
i seriously do not understand why educated people still [want,need,desire] to believe in the concept of organized religion.
there is not a single piece of evidence to support any of their claims.
i understand that religion gives people guidance, faith, something to look towards
but to honestly believe that 'something' is determining our fate is completely illogical.
i am not writing this entry to get people all worked up.
i accept that people believe their own ideas and thoughts on life. absolutely nothing wrong with that.
but to reckon others as being heathens because they do not follow the same moral code based on ONE book in the history of religion is completely ludicrous.
so the next time someone wants to "hate on me" because my sunday is not devoted to an hour and half explanation of my "relationship with god" on sunday morning. show me the proof people. miracles happen in life for thousands of reason and i just do not believe organized religion is behind all of it.
more power to my "jesus freak" friends, god love ya... no pun intended. but its just not for me.
peace in the middle east instead, is what i think.