I guess I left some loose ends

Jun 05, 2021 23:34

So who is Tom?
Tom is my boyfriend.
Here is the story:
I'm actually getting shy now after all these years in the spotlight.
I was terrified to get into a relationship, but a therapist convinced me to date.
I was like no.
Then this guy I kinda had a crush on asked me out he seemed like a good guy and he had a blog like I do. He loved movies and that felt familiar and safe. So I thought for a minute and said yes. (It had been 5 years since Karl had left. I realized he was never coming back, because I had harassed him and pissed him off and damaged that relationship too much with indecisiveness and neediness. )
It's going well and we love each other.
We watch movies together, play cards and swim.
It's fun and he is a good person too.
I talk about Karl with him sometimes, good things mostly, I say I was in love with him.
I don't think Karl is a sociopath. I don't think it's up to me though or that it's mine or the internet's business. All I know is I saw Karl save a bicyclist from a bus about to hit him. He's brave sometimes. I saw it with my own two eyes. and Karl never stole from me or ever cheated me for rent or anything. He never even stole food from me. He's honest.
I tell people about my mental health diagnoses in order to help the stigma, but going around insulting people of another isn't right.
There are people with sociopathic diagnoses on the internet who are making better for themselves, but I don't want to invite people to gawk at them. I'm just saying they are people, mostly nonviolent. who are often traumatized and have things to work through. I can't write this blog without Jason and Karling and that drives me bonkers.

I spent so much time in therapy getting over that. It feels like somebody needs it for their identity. I don't know what to tell you. Find music you like to listen to.
If you can't find what you like, try spotify. Find one song you like and listen from there.
If you need a job, take those personality tests. None of them will tell you to work retail or food service, but they might tell you to be a chef or an artist and those things could be related to a job in an easier to get field when you're young. The best thing is to attend college. Everyone goes for money, but those tests is what keep you motivated. Do something that interests you. I picked art, there is no demand. But I have plenty of experience in computers and it has high demand and I can't get a single bite. My passion is art and I get plenty of interest in me. Employers know when you feel lackluster about something. I can't think of any other loose ends.

To my old neighbors,

It fills my heart with sorrow that I said remarks about reverse racism, reverse racism doesn't exist.

Secondly I wish I could have rented out my house to my neighbor, but I was under a contract forbidding so.
We could have been roommates and I would have been fine with that, but he didn't ask and I didn't think of that.
I still might have said no, because I said no to two friends, because my last roommate was hard to live with.

I got paranoid and wrote about you in my blog, one person saw it, she lives in New York, she has no online activity. It has since gone private and I don't even have access to livejournal at home.

I'm mentally ill that's why I yelled out the window and punched the armour.

As long as it harms none I want to right these wrongs.
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