Mad Men: Smart People Making Stupid Choices

Sep 28, 2009 12:27

I'm trying to avoid specific spoilers here.....

I was thinking of the competence porn discussion as I was watching this episode last night.

Here's Don, at the top of the world in his profession, landing Conrad Hilton as a client. Being offered a raise and a bonus.

And his decision to reject them stems directly from his flaws--and he makes several stupid choices in this episode as a result of his fear of being controlled and hemmed in. I had thought watching season one that Don's fear came mostly from his transformation from what his life was before and the new life he created.

Not so, it appears it goes way back to his controlling, abusive parents. No wonder he wanted to erase his name.

But, damn, did he do everything wrong this episode. The show is great because it seems to understand his fear but it makes it clear that the stupid choices are going to come back to haunt him.

And Peggy...oh, Peggy. Her choice works story wise. She's spent the whole season trying to earn respect from someone, anyone. Her mother, Don, the others at the advertising agency, even Joan. So far, nada. Until this episode where someone who seems completely successful says she's amazing and wonderful. No wonder she fell for it. It would be more interesting if it gets emotionally complicated, too.

Betty. Oh, dear. This character feels she has no choices and she looks ready to make a bunch of stupid ones, because they're the only ones open for her.

So much to digest in this show.

Prop note: I've decided I miss the old rotary dial phones with attached receivers. They are such *excellent* props. You can walk around a room holding the base and the receiver to your ear. There's heft to doing that, and somehow it seems to add weight to the conversation itself.

mad men, television

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