
Feb 20, 2009 22:18


I missed the pilot but watched tonight's episode.

My gut emotional reaction: This show is deeply unpleasant.

Now, it's entirely possible that this wallowing in torture porn is supposed to be leading to empowerment but it's, well, wallowing in torture porn. Really wallowing. A helluva lot of wallowing.

Tonight's Mr. Most Dangerous Game dude? Creepy but not in a Kevin Spacey Mel Profitt kind of fun way. Creepy in the way that I simply want to change the channel. (Though the actor would make a fine Green Arrow, I think.)

Also, I had that 'creepy' reaction to every single character on the show. Save the FBI guy, who really should be played by Darren McGavin. Because that would have a change from the monotone creepy of the show. (I know. He's dead. But you get my point.)

Is there some good writing? Well, it doesn't take much to rip off the Most Dangerous Game. Hell, it was done better when Mr. Roarke did it in the pilot of Fantasy Island. Yes, go find it on YouTube. Ricardo Montalban is in threatening Star Trek Original series Khan mode. Or if you can't find that, try the episode of Johnny Quest. Better plus great theme music.

There is some excellent acting happening on Dollhouse. I guess.

*It should be noted that I tend to avoid just about all horror movies, save The Stepfather. And I think this is far more in the horror vein.

One: I can't imagine why I'd watch again. I feel, well, filthy after a viewing.
Two: Joss, you've been reading your Alan Moore again, haven't you? This feels very misanthropic.
Three: The parody potential in this show is OFF THE CHARTS.

television, pop culture

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