““Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
It's J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday today and that quote seemed especially appropriate for the new year. I think of it each time I look at a black & white framed photo of a road that Ter sent me years ago.
The Road, it goes ever on....
I suppose people are right when they say Tolkien meanders and can be boring as all get out. But I re-read those books every years for over a decade. It's the escape, I suppose, but also the humanity that bleeds from the pages. Bilbo spares Gollum out of pity and so does Frodo. And when Frodo loses his hold on his sanity and what's right, it's Gollum who saves him from himself, in a backhanded way, and thus saved the world.
All the knights and great lords of the day fail. It's the pity and mercy of a hobbit that turns the tide against evil.
I like that.
So it's been a while since I posted. What have I been doing:
1. Thanksgiving Trip to NJ. This was nice, visiting relatives.
2. Return home to stomach flu and tag-team vomiting by the minions.
3. Christmas planning and decorations.
4. The vomiting missed me. The evil holiday cold did not.
5. Snowed in at Christmas!
6. Visiting relatives in Boston. awesome, though delayed visit. Had to wait for everyone to dig out.
7. Writing, writing, writing.
8. Lots of GeekMom work. We exceeded our initial goal of 100,000 page views in under two months--exceeded it by ten percent. Yay!
9. Shopping with Minions. Alas, the JC Penney outlet store didn't have great stuff this year. But I did get new leather gloves.
A piece of Great News! The Wild Rose Press has contracted the Sequel to
Dinah of Seneca. I was originally calling it Sky of Seneca (see blog tags) but now it will be called Eagle of Seneca which is a little more accurate.
There's a more formal blurb at my regular writing site,
www.corrinalawson.wordpress.com but, essentially, the Roman engineer charged with protecting the Roman settlement of Mannahatta builds a glider. Which crash lands at the feet of a very interested Lenape woman charged with her people's future.
Evil Imperials Romans attack. Cue explosions, fire, sky attacks, battles and sex. (Well, of course, there's some sex...) Also an appearance by the real swamps of Jersey. It should be out later this year.
I also have a contract offer on another book with Samhain Publishing. I accepted but the contract isn't signed (people, so slow over the holidays...) yet so I don't want to jinx by spilling it all yet. But it's Phoenix Rising, the superhero story. More details when that's all set.
And I'm left wondering what the road will bring in the coming year...