Apr 05, 2004 12:33
Just sitting in a library right now. I'm so rad. One of these days I will get the pix of the show from the Polish Hall and you can all re-live seeing my penis all over again. For those of you who haven't previously seen it your in for a treat. Now that I think ablout it considering my avatar then you have all seen it already.
Either way I'm so hot.
The Polish Hall was one of those insane shows where everyone was completely blitzed and doing funny shit. some of the highlights of my night:
-Morbidly Obese Angel destroying a baby with a giant mallet
-My giant clock I was wearing
-The pants I wasn't wearing
-My super-rad ponytail that made me look like a chick
-Taking pictures of Seger puking
-Me and Evan hitting Jay O's younger brother because he told Evan to pull up his pants
-Random females jumping onstage and pulling my pants down
-Almost getting locked in the Polish Hall because I was making out with 'Black Voodoo' when they were closing it up and we were hidden
-All the bands totally rocked and shit
-Got a devoured CD
and the best one of all
-Taking my pants off in front of 100+ people
That totally turned me on.