Oct 15, 2014 01:58
It's been quite a while since the last comprehensive update. So here's something fresh.
My mom is at another new facility. Better pay, and it's closer to home. She's also most of the way to her master's degree now, so things are going well for her.
My brother is down to one job, but it's become enough to support his family. The eldest, Abby, is becoming quite the pain in the ass. Next in line, Nick, is actually able to say a few words now, with some prompting. He's been learning how to use an iPad to help him communicate, too. After him is Lauren - she's a lot more withdrawn from me than she used to be. I dunno what happened there. The youngest, Brook, is old enough to get over her skepticism of me not being there always like here parents, but still youngest to be happy and amiable.
My sister is still useless.
The older friends did eventually find that new house, and the last I heard, have actually almost paid off the mortgage. We still meet weekly to play D&D, and otherwise keep in touch through Facebook.
The cross-country friend, I only hear from when we play D&D via Google Hangout, which is a little disappointing to me. He finally found a decent girlfriend, though; even brought her home last Xmas. She seemed like a pretty cool chick, and as far as I know, they're still together. I'm happy for him, at least.
Still employed at the same place I was at for the last update. I'm pretty thrilled to have been able to finally keep something for this long. I'm actually at the point of having been there long enough that it would be very difficult for them to replace me, so I've got some pretty good job security. I'm not going to test that security at all, but it's nice to know it's there.
I'm 31 and still live at home. Totally living the dream. Totally. That job I'm still at may be steady, but it's still not enough to be self-sufficient. I've at least got a compromise to help me not feel so pathetic - I pay for my car, for its insurance and upkeep (recently had to replace the alternator, and did it with minimal help); I pay the cable and power bills, too. Plus a little extra, to serve as rent.
School is done. I still have dreams of being a chef for a living, but I've discovered that learing in the academic setting isn't gonna work for me. Every program within a reasonable distance (no more than an hour's drive by highway) uses the French brigade system, which I just can't get into. I keep up with the home cooking (when I'm not at work) to stay sharp and learn on my own. And I didn't let all those credits go to waste - I finished with an Associates in "general studies".
Encounters have stopped for the time being.
I paid for a premium membership on OKCupid and deleted all my answers to more than 3000 match questions, so that I could start over. And there have actually been results, which have surprised the hell out of me. I've had several decent conversations, and even been on a couple of dates. I'm chatting with a woman now that I'm reasonably interested in. My fear is not knowing what to do, though, and that has come up a couple times already. Still, I keep trying, because I've got a fool's chance.
There's been one song since "River's End", but it was terrible. I'm working on another, though, inspired by the last woman I was out on a date with. It's been very slow coming along, but it's got potential, I think. I don't even want to perform any of them, I just want someone major to come along, fall in love with some of them, and offer me a ridiculous amount of money.