Jan 03, 2009 04:32
what does it even mean to like someone? does it mean you have to be yourself completely, all the time? do you have to give up sections of your life to become apart of theirs? do you have to search for meanings to complicate the way you "feel" about them? do you have to seek within yourself to find a greater appeal to what it is you truly find unbearable about them? or is it just lust? you're lusting for something completely and utterly radiant. something that you're not quite sure of. are you willing to take the leap from friend, foe and relationship? are you willing to say this is why i like you, without a doubt? you are me, i am you, and we are we. are you in this because you're alone and without a being? are you in this because YOU ARE in this? do you know how it feels to feel naked and disrupted? to have your heart put on a stool, something so blocked yet so eye capturing for the world to see? are you willing to take a hold of what's yours? are you willing to call what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours and mine and yours is ours together? what does it mean, to like someone? to capture the single moment from your life to theirs, without a sound, but know that you're, together.