A letter to John Kerry

Jan 11, 2005 16:00

Dear John Kerry:

Goodness, seems like someone on Democraticunderground.com is a tad upset with the performance of John "Waffle House" Kerry. An entertaining letter, and even more entertaining replies to it. But there's one part of it that I'd like to address --

You know what? everytime I see a photo of a child in Iraq killed by air raids, a poverty stricken family forced to pay high taxes, yet another fixed election, a senior citizen dying because he or she cannot pay for his or her medication, yet another terrorist attack, a horrifying food safety violation, a school run out of teaching material, and a college student recieve a draft notice here in America I will blame it on the usual Bush regime

everytime I see a photo of a child in Iraq killed by air raids -- Welp, everytime I see a photo of the mass graves found in Iraq, or photos of the kurds killed by Saddam's biological weapons attack I feel pretty much the same way, only I'm quite happy that we kept a president that has the gonads to take action instead of pandering to the United Nations.

a poverty stricken family forced to pay high taxes -- I stand by my belief that poverty is a mental illness. People who drop out of school, people who never get any education (but Simon, college is soooooo expensive! Fuck that, Library cards arn't. Go check out a book on computer repair, or marketing, whatthefuckever. There are many ways to educate yourself outside of college), people who think that a 40 hour work week is too long instead of not enough. My family started out dirt poor, for a long time my grandparents lived with three kids in a one bedroom trailer - because of hard work and good decisions they are now worth several million. My parents started out their family not even making enough money to file taxes on, now my father owns his own business. Here we have a country that a person who was not even born here can come here with nothing, become a citizen and through hard work and good choices become successful. When you have cases like that happening every year, the poverty-caused-by-bush argument starts to lose water. Espically when I see a broken down trailer with a brand new mustang in front of it.

As for high taxes, take a look at the actual percentages of taxes paid. The top 10 percent of income earners pay a fuckload more percentagewise in taxes than do the bottom 10 percent. And if you're that worried about taxes, support the fair tax plan which would remove all standard taxes and move to a national retail sales tax. And even then, those poor poverty-stricken masses would even get a nice little check from your friends, the Imperial Federal Government, which would cover all taxes on necessary items like bread, milk and other foodstuffs. Daddy Poorasfuck would still have to pay taxes on his booze, though. Sorry.

yet another fixed election - I get upset about people who can't figure out how to punch a chad or people who are too lazy to stand in line to cast their vote but have no problem calling voter disenfranchisement when they get back to the comforting glow of their TV set. Yet another person who cannot understand how a candidate that is willing to protect America's security and promote the safety of the world might possibly be more appealing than the one who is happy to sell us out to the UN and who does a poll before he makes a decision. Global test my ass.

a senior citizen dying because he or she cannot pay for his or her medication -- Guess what. These senior citizens had their entire lifetimes to plan and save for retirement. They didn't. But waahhh, they didn't have enough money to save! Look, the entire Social Security system is fundamentally flawed. By the time you and I hit retirement age, it's very possible that all that cash that was forcibly taken from us on the promise that we'd get it back won't be there. Already the government's playing a little game of "let's move the retirement age forward", hoping that more people will die before they have a chance to collect what is rightfully theirs. The answer? Reform the flawed and failing system. Let us keep the money we earn and invest it as we see fit. If we invest wisely, then we'll have no problem paying for those medications we know we'll need when we get old. If we don't, well, I guess Darwin was right. Hope those people raised kids who are able to financially support them.

yet another terrorist attack - Welcome to a world where we have to deal with what the rest of the world has delt with for the past 50 years. And we need to learn what the rest of the world has known for awhile - appeasement doesn't work. The solution? Speak their language. Show what happens when you hurt America. Hit us and we break your bones. Hurt us and we kill you. Make the retribution for attacking America so terrible that no one would dare. Someone will be the most powerful nation in the world, and I sure as hell don't want to be paying my taxes to Jerusalem.

a horrifying food safety violation -- Um, what? This is Bush's fault....how? Can anyone explain what this dolt is talking about?

a school run out of teaching material - Easy solution -- Spend less on the football team and more on teaching material. Football is useless. And insepid. And completely without any value in the real world. Reward schools that produce well-educated, academically competative students. Reduce the budget of schools that don't. When government schools start producing students that graduate being able to read above a fourth grade level, do math above a third grade level, and who are prepared to enter the real world, then we can talk about this one. Quit focusing on a student's self-esteem and more on what they're learning and you'll start to see things happen.

a college student recieve a draft notice -- Guess what. Being called to serve is a part of our citizenship in this country. In our generation we have become used to that service being unnecessary, but the fact remains that being called to serve can be the price we pay for our freedom. (Including the freedom to criticize the president without jackbooted death squads breaking down your door and shooting you in your bed. Try going to El Salvador and criticizing the government there. But be sure to tell us were to send the flowers beforehand)
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