Welp, Ohio has officially certified the vote recount. But the numbers are still in favor of Bush, so they need to be recounted. Again. And again. And again, until they clearly show that Kerry won, and only then will they be considered legitimate.
http://www.santarchy.com/--I'm not even going to ask...
http://www.livejournal.com/~coelacanthm/62834.html--Demon midgit village, anyone? Definate blair witch country.
http://www.realshittyadvice.com/--When you need some, well, real shitty advice. Like the kind I give every day.
http://www.collegestories.com/--Proof that the stuff that happens at
ionno's drunken bashes happen other places, too.
http://www.mycathatesyou.com/--So does mine.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200411/s1243509.htm--Here goes modern science fucking up things of legend. A scientist believes he has definately found Atlantis. Now we just need James Cameron to get together with DiCaprio and Kate Winslet to make another insepid movie where we know exactly what the fuck is going to happen. Let's send that fucking Celiene Dion down with the goddamned ship this time. (I wasn't a fan of the movie. Can ya tell?)
and finally...
http://www.porn-bread.com/--For your next office party or church gathering, penis eclairs and pussy danishes! Tell your minister you love him by baking one today!