Nov 22, 2004 16:23
I dislike children. Anyone who'se been out with me in a public place can attest to the fact. Big ones, little ones, I consider the newer generation of shitmonkey rugrats as little more than a testament to the need for subsidized contraceptives. And then I look to the parents, and I realize where my true contempt should rightfully be placed. People like the idiot lady who took her four year old child to a theater when the little bastard snotmonster is scared of the dark. The lady who then gets pissed with me when I suggest (respectfully, unlike my current mood might lead you to believe) that her shild might be happier in the hallway outside.
Whatever happened to physical discipline of children? Those little obnoxious bacterial breeding grounds that I saw the other day running around putting their little disease-ridden hands in the salad bar? Where are the parents? Over at a table, chatting happily away. If my mom had seen me do that, she would have "tanned my backside" to use her phrase. I get so sick of these people whining that their kids don't behave, but the moment you mention spanking to them, they're so goddamned offended that they can barely speak.
I'll tell you something - when I was a kid, the most I ever did something was twice. First time was a verbal warning. Second time I got to go out and pick my own switch, and god help me if I chose one that was too small. I can guaran-god-damn-tee you I didn't do it a third time. It tought me that there were consequences for my actions. It tought me respect for the adults around me. I got the everloving shit beat outta me when I did something bad and I'm looking forward to beating the shit outta my kids when they do something bad.
And before you start calling it abuse, let's see whose kids are throwing shit in the restraunt.